Error codes: AdsSerialComm
Overview of the function block FB_ASC_SerialLineControl error codes
Offset + error code | Range | Description |
0x00000000 + TwinCAT system error | 0x00000000-0x00007800 | TwinCAT system error (including ADS error codes) |
0x00000000 + TcAdsSerialCommServer error | 0x00009000-0x000091FF | Error of the TwinCAT ADS Serial Comm Server |
0x3D090000 + Win32 system error code | 0x3D090000-0x3D09FFFF | Win32 system error |
Note: Error codes of type ComError_t are not used by this function block.
TcAdsSerialCommServer errors
Code | Code | Description | Symbolic name |
0x00009001 | 36865 | COM Port is invalid. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_COMPORT |
0x00009002 | 36866 | The command for the TcAdsSerialCommServer is invalid. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_CMD |
0x00009003 | 36867 | internal error | COMERRORADS_INVALID_DATAPOINTER |
0x00009011 | 36881 | The transferred parameter structure is unknown. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_CFGSTLEN |
0x00009012 | 36882 | The transferred parameter structure is unknown. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_CFGSTVER |
0x00009013 | 36883 | The trace level (variable TraceLevel in input structure SerialCfg) for message output is invalid. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_TL |
0x00009021 | 36897 | Baud rate is not supported. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_BAUDRATE |
0x00009022 | 36898 | Parity is invalid. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_PARITY |
0x00009023 | 36899 | Number of data bits is invalid. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_BYTESIZE |
0x00009024 | 36900 | Number of stop bits is invalid. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_STOPBIT |
0x00009025 | 36901 | Dtr Control is invalid. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_DTR_CTRL |
0x00009026 | 36902 | Rts Control is invalid. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_RTS_CTRL |
0x00009027 | 36903 | Cts is invalid. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_CTS_OUTCTRL |
0x00009028 | 36904 | Dsr is invalid. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_DSR_OUTCTRL |
0x00009029 | 36905 | Dsr is invalid. | COMERRORADS_INVALID_DSR_SENS |
0x00009031 | 36913 | internal error | COMERRORADS_NOT_INIT |
0x00009032 | 36914 | The receive buffer in the TcAdsSerialCommServer is overrun. Incoming data will be lost. | COMERRORADS_RD_BUFFER_OVERRUN |
0x00009033 | 36915 | The COM Port is already open. | COMERRORADS_PORT_CONNECTED |
0x00009034 | 36916 | The COM Port is not yet opend by the TcAdsSerialCommServer. The interaction with the port was not possible. | COMERRORADS_PORT_NOT_CONNECTED |
0x00009035 | 36917 | The COM Port couldn't be closed correctly. | COMERRORADS_RD_THREAD_TIMEOUT |
0x00009036 | 36918 | The COM Port couldn't be closed correctly. | COMERRORADS_WR_THREAD_TIMEOUT |
0x00009037 | 36919 | During an existing communication connection this error can occur if the USB device is disconnected. Before disconnecting the USB device the input bConnect has to be set to FALSE in order to close the COM Port. | COMERRORADS_RD_FAILURE |
0x00009038 | 36920 | A write error can be the reason for this error code. Details can be output using the variable TraceLevel in the input structure SerialCfg. | COMERRORADS_WR_FAILURE |
0x000090E0 | 37088 | internal errors |
0x00009101 | 37121 | The version of the TcAdsSerialCommServer is incompatible. An official product installation clears the error. | COMERRORADS_SERVER_INCOMPATIBLE |
additional explanation of the most important Win32 system errors
Code | Code | Description | additional explanation | Symbolic name |
0x3D090002 | 1024000002 | The system cannot find the file specified. | This error can occur if the selected COM port is not available. Check if the value of the used COM port and of the other parameters in ComSerialConfig is set correctly. | ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND |
0x3D090005 | 1024000005 | Access is denied. | Check if the corresponding serial COM port is already opened by another application. Then you have to unblock this port in the other application to make the communication possible. | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED |
0x3D090057 | 1024000087 | The parameter is incorrect. | This error occurs if an input parameter for the serial communication (see ComSerialConfig) is invalid. Not every configuration of the parameters for the serial communication is always possible. Some settings or combinations of settings aren't supported by Windows or the Com-Port-Drivers. In this case you should check if the communication works with other input parameters. | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER |
Note: For a more detailed fault analysis the debug messages of the TcAdsSerialCommServer can be configured with the variable TraceLevel in the input structure SerialCfg.