
(* defines the configuration as structure and register.
Different RFID Reader in different ReaderGroups can differ in their configuration data. *)
    pCfgStruct      : DWORD;        (* pointer to config structure *)
    pCfgReg         : DWORD;        (* pointer to config register *)
    iCfgStructSize  : UINT  := 0;   (* size in bytes of the structure *)
    iCfgRegSize     : UINT  := 0;   (* size in bytes of the register *)

The structure indicates the RFID reader configuration that was last read. This does not concern the parameterisation of the PLC RFID library, but rather the proprietary configuration of the RFID reader. This can be queried with the command eRFC_GetConfig (see command set).

Each configuration can be a register (byte array) or a structure. Hence, there are various configuration structures in the PLC RFID library (ST_RFID_CfgStruct_DeisterUDL, ST_RFID_CfgStruct_LeuzeRFM,…), which process the raw data from the configuration registers of different RFID readers. Both variants are made available at the output of the library function block. This takes place via pointers. For further evaluation, the MEMCPY () function can be used with the specified data length in bytes.

pCfgStruct : This pointer indicates the memory address of the specific configuration structure.

pCfgReg : This pointer indicates the memory address of the specific configuration register.

iCfgStructSize : This output variable indicates the length in bytes of the specific configuration structure.

iCfgRegSize : This output variable indicates the length in bytes of the specific configuration register. If iCfgRegSize = 0 the configuration data are not available as register (byte array).

Further information on RFID reader configuration is summarised in the Configuration chapter.