pReceivedRsp        :DWORD;
    pSentCommand        :DWORD;

    iReceivedRspLen     :UINT;
    iSentCommandLen     :UINT;

This structure outputs the sent and received data as raw data.
This is always the complete telegram, but without prefix, suffix, checksum, CRC or shift sequence coding. Low level communication is described in more detail in chapter Low level communication.

The byte sequences can be viewed via the specified pointers.

ST_RFID_RawData 1:

The MEMCPY function can be used for evaluation.

pReceivedRsp : a received telegram is stored as a byte sequence and the pReceivedRsp pointer points to this byte sequence.

pSentCommand : a sent telegram is stored as a byte sequence and the pSentCommand pointer points to this byte sequence.

iReceivedRspLen : specifies the length of the stored byte sequence in bytes.

iSentCommandLen : specifies the length of the stored byte sequence in bytes.