Handling instructions
Handling the RFID library
If you have integrated the library file TcRFID.lib, you can access all functions. The library provides a function block for communication with an RFID reader.
The general function block FB_RFIDReader can be used, which is usable for all RFID reader models, or one of the manufacturer-specific function blocks. These offer the same range of functions and almost the same interface and the same handling, and they are also optimized in terms of the code and the performance.
The function block made available for RFID reader communication offers high level communication with a high level interface. A command set provides a wide variety of commands.
In addition, the integrated low-level communication enables the sending and receiving of raw data.
The TcRFID library expects the RFID reader to respond immediately to a command and that the dialogue is not interrupted by another telegram. Otherwise an evaluation may not be possible. |
General handling of the function block
Depending on the RFID reader model, the device can send a telegram to the controller without a prior request. A cyclic call of the RFID function block with bExecute = FALSE is sufficient for reception.
All possible active accesses to the RFID device are listed in the command set. The following procedure is common to all commands. The function block is called by a positive edge on the bExecute input. Afterwards, cyclic calling of the function block (bExecute = FALSE) returns the result of the query at the output as soon as the processing of the query has been completed (bBusy = FALSE). Further handling instructions are supplied by the description of the input and output variables of the function block as well as the tutorial/example in this documentation. The function block must be called (bExecute = FALSE) for as long as it takes for the internal processing (bBusy = FALSE) to be completed. During that time, all inputs of the function block must remain unchanged.
When the system is started, the following actions are required for initializing an RFID reader integrated via the TwinCAT library: Insofar as they are available according to the command set, the model information ('GetReaderVersion' command) and the current reader configuration ('GetConfig' command) must be evaluated. Because successful communication with the RFID reader is dependent on these data, it must be ensured that the current values are always available and queried if necessary. |
All received messages are additionally made available completely as raw data in unprocessed form at the output.
Handling of the RFID reader
In the chapter 'RFID Reader settings and handling' characteristics of the supported RFID reader models are pointed out.
The instructions listed there are assigned to the special RFID reader manufacturers: