
Specifies which mode is currently used for modifying the set values.

TYPE E_Sync_FilterState :
    E_Sync_FilterState_Bypass := 1,
    E_Sync_FilterState_PT1    := 2,
    E_Sync_FilterState_Sync   := 3,
    E_Sync_FilterState_Time   := 4

E_Sync_FilterState_Bypass: The set values supplied by the sender, including all beat effects, are not modified.

E_Sync_FilterState_PT1: A PT1 filter passes the set positions on to the receiver axis.

E_Sync_FilterState_Sync: The set values are extrapolated with the correction time.

E_Sync_FilterState_Time: The time correction is calculated such that any beat effects and fluctuations are compensated directly after their occurrence. In contrast to sync mode, there is no preventive compensation of the calculated beat effects.