
Specifies which mode is used for modifying the set values.

TYPE E_Sync_FilterMode :
    E_Sync_FilterMode_Auto   := 0,
    E_Sync_FilterMode_Bypass := 1,
    E_Sync_FilterMode_PT1    := 2,
    E_Sync_FilterMode_Time   := 4


E_Sync_FilterMode_Auto: Automatic mode: During initialisation the selected StartUpMode is used, in synchronised state the extrapolation with correction time is used, and in the event of synchronisation loss the specified FallBack mode is used.

E_Sync_FilterMode_Bypass: The set values supplied by the sender, including all beat effects, are not modified.

E_Sync_FilterMode_PT1: A PT1 filter passes the set positions on to the receiver axis.

E_Sync_FilterMode_Time: The time correction is calculated such that any beat effects and fluctuations are compensated.