
FB_SoEAX5000FirmwareUpdate 1:

The functionblock FB_SoEAX5000FirmwareUpdate can be used to check and update the firmware of the AX5000 to a requested version (revision and build) or to the newest build of the configured revision.  

In order to update the following sequence is executed:
- get configured slave type, i.e. AX5103-0000-0010
- get scanned slave type for the slave address, i.e. AX5103-0000-0009
- get current slave firmware, i.e. v1.05_b0009
- compare configured and scanned slave (number of channels, current, revision, firmware)
- create firmware files name and search for the file
- update firmware (if required)
- rescan slave
- switch the slave to the requested EtherCAT state

A successful updatefinishes witheFwUpdateState = eFwU_FwUpdateDone. If the update is not required, then the state returns eFwUpdateState = eFwU_NoFwUpdateRequired. The firmware update is executed via the channel of the drive (A=0 or B=1) set in stDriveRef. With two channel devices, the firmware update can only be executed via one of the channels. The other channel signalseFwUpdateState = eFwU_UpdateViaOtherChannelActive or = eFwU_UpdateViaOtherChannel.

During the firmware update (eFwUpdateState = eFwU_FwUpdateInProgress) the update progress is reported viaiLoadProgress in percent.


Faulty update due to interruptions

Interruptions during the update may result in it not being executed or executed incorrectly. Afterwards, the terminal may no longer be usable without the appropriate firmware.

The rules during the update are:

  • The PLC and TwinCAT must not be stopped.
  • The EtherCAT connection must not be interrupted.
  • The AX5000 must not be switched off.


   sNetId           : T_AmsNetId;
   bExecute         : BOOL;    
   sFirmwareVersion : STRING(20);  (* version string vx_yy_bnnnn, e.g. "v1.05_b0009" for v1.05 Build 0009 *)
   sFirmwarePath    : T_MaxString; (* drive:\path, e.g. "C:\TwinCAT\Io\TcDriveManager\FirmwarePool" *)
   iReqEcState      : UINT := EC_DEVICE_STATE_OP;
   tTimeout         : TIME := DEFAULT_ADS_TIMEOUT;

bExecute: The block is activated by a rising edge at this input.

sFirmwareVersion: The required firmware version in form of vx.yy_bnnnn, i.e. "v1.05_b0009" for version v1.05 build 0009.

    Release builds:
        "v1.05_b0009"     for specific build, i.e. v1.05 Build 0009
        "v1.05_b00??"     newstest build of a version, i.e. v1.05
        "v1.??_b00??"     newstest build of a major version, i.e. v1
        "v?.??_b00??"     newstest version and newstest build
        ""                              newstest version and newstest build

    Customer specific firmware builds:
        "v1.05_b1009"     for specific build, i.e. v1.05 Build 1009
        "v1.05_b10??"     newstest build of a version, i.e. v1.05
        "v1.??_b10??"     newstest build of a major version, i.e. v1
        "v?.??_b10??"     newstest version and newstest build

        "v1.05_b8909"     for specific build, i.e. v1.05 Build 8909
        "v1.05_b89??"     newstest build of a version, i.e. v1.05
        "v1.??_b89??"     newstest build of a major version, i.e. v1
        "v?.??_b89??"     newstest version and newstest build

    Debug builds:
        "v1.05_b9009"     for specific build, i.e. v1.05 Build 9009
        "v1.05_b90??"     newstest build of a version, i.e. v1.05
        "v1.??_b90??"     newstest build of a major version, i.e. v1
        "v?.??_b90??"     newstest version and newstest build

sFirmwarePath: The path for the firmware pool, where the firmware files are located, i.e. "C:\TwinCAT\Io\TcDriveManager\FirmwarePool".

sNetIdIPC: AMS-NetID of the controller (IPC).

iReqEcState: Requested EtherCAT state after the update (only if an update is executed). The states are defined in the TcEtherCAT.lib as globale constants.

tTimeout: The firmware update can take a few minutes, the timeout here defines the timeout for internal ADS instances.


    Axis : NCTOPLC_AXLESTRUCT;(* reference to NC axis *)

Axis: Axis structure.


   bBusy                 : BOOL;
   bError                : BOOL;
   iAdsErrId             : UINT;
   iSercosErrId          : UINT;
   iDiagNumber           : UDINT;
   eFwUpdateState        : E_FwUpdateState;
   iLoadProgress         : INT;
   sSelectedFirmwareFile : STRING(MAX_STRING_LENGTH); (* found firmware file, e.g. "AX5yxx_xxxx_0010_v1_05_b0009.efw" *)

bBusy: This output is set when the function block is activated and remains set until an acknowledgement is received.

bError: This output is set up after the bBusy output has been reset if there has been an error in transmission of the command.

iAdsErrId: Supplies the ADS error code associated with the most recently executed command if the bError output is set.

iSercosErrId: Supplies the Sercos error code associated with the most recently executed command if the bError output is set.

iDiagNumber: Supplies the drive error code associated with the most recently executed firmware update if the bError output is set.

eFwUpdateState: Supplies the status of the firmware update. See E_FwUpdateState.

iLoadProgress: Supplies the progress of the firmware load in percent.

sSelectedFirmwareFile: Supplies the name of the searched firmware file.


   iNumOfDrives         : INT := 2;

    fbFirmwareUpdate     : ARRAY[1..iNumOfDrives] OF FB_SoEAX5000FirmwareUpdate;
    stNcToPlc AT %I*     : ARRAY[1..iNumOfDrives] OF NCTOPLC_AXLESTRUCT;
    sFirmwareVersion     : ARRAY[1..iNumOfDrives] OF STRING(20)(* :=2('v1.04_b0002') *);

    eFwUpdateState       : ARRAY[1..iNumOfDrives] OF E_FwUpdateState;
    sSelectedFirmwareFile: ARRAY [1..iNumOfDrives]OF STRING(MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
    iUpdateState         : INT;
    bExecute             : BOOL;
    sNetIdIPC            : T_AmsNetId := '';
    sFirmwarePath        : T_MaxString := 'C:\TwinCAT\Io\TcDriveManager\FirmwarePool';
    I                    : INT;
    bAnyBusy             : BOOL;
    bAnyError            : BOOL;
CASE iUpdateState OF
    IF bExecute THEN
        iUpdateState := 1;

    FOR I := 1 TO iNumOfDrives DO
           Axis := stNcToPlc[I],
           bExecute := TRUE,
           tTimeout := T#15s,
           sFirmwareVersion := sFirmwareVersion[I],
           sFirmwarePath := sFirmwarePath,
           sNetId := sNetIdIPC,
           iReqEcState := EC_DEVICE_STATE_OP,
           eFwUpdateState => eFwUpdateState[I],
    iUpdateState := 2;

    bAnyBusy := FALSE;
    bAnyError:= FALSE;
    FOR I := 1 TO iNumOfDrives DO
           Axis := stNcToPlc[I],
           eFwUpdateState => eFwUpdateState[I],
           sSelectedFirmwareFile => sSelectedFirmwareFile[I],
        IF NOT fbFirmwareUpdate[I].bBusy THEN
           fbFirmwareUpdate[I](bExecute := FALSE, Axis := stNcToPlc[I]);
           IF fbFirmwareUpdate[I].bError THEN
               bAnyError := TRUE;
           bAnyBusy := TRUE;

    IF NOT bAnyBusy THEN
        bExecute := FALSE;

        IF NOT bAnyError THEN
           iUpdateState := 0; (* OK *)
           iUpdateState := 3; (* Error *)
    (* Error handling *)
    iUpdateState := 0;