General Information

General Information 1:


Beginning with TwinCAT 2.11 Build 2229 (R3 and x64 Engineering), the libraries "TcMPBus.lib/.lb6/.lbx" will be installed automatically.

General Information 2:

Name of the library

This library replaces the "TcKL6771.lib/.lb6./.lbx". Only the name of the libraries has changed. The modules are still compatible.

Hardware documentation in Beckhoff Information System: KL6771 - MP-Bus master terminal

Further libraries are required

For PC systems (x86) and Embedded-PCs (CXxxxx):

For Bus Terminal Controller of BCxx00 series:

For Bus Terminal Controller of BCxx50, BCxx20 and BC9191 series:

For Bus Terminal Controller of BXxx00 series:

General Information 3:

Memory usage

By linking the library PLC program memory is already consumed. Depending on the application program the remaining memory can not be sufficient.