Terminal configuration

The Bus Terminals KL6001, KL6011, KL6021, KL6031 and KL6041 can be parameterised with the KS2000 configuration software. Alternatively, the system can be configured via PLC blocks included in the serial communication library ComLib.lib. If the serial communication library is not used in conjunction with the Modbus RTU library, the basic library KL6Config.lib, which is supplied with the Modbus RTU library, can be integrated. This library contains the following blocks from the serial communication library.

Development environment

Target system type

PLC libraries to be linked

TwinCAT from V2.8

PC (i386), CX1000

ComLibV2.lib or alternatively KL6config.lib

TwinCAT from V2.8

Bus controller BC

ComLibV2.lb6 or alternatively KL6config.lb6