Data type ST_CamInOptions

Data of type ST_CamInOptions can be transferred optionally to the function block MC_CamIn.

TYPE ST_CamInOptions :
   (* ActivationMode defines when and where the cam table will be activated *)
   (* (only valid if slave is already coupled and cam table will be exchanged) *)
   ActivationMode          : MC_CamActivationMode := MC_CAMACTIVATION_INSTANTANEOUS;
   ActivationPosition      : LREAL;

   (* Scaling Modes enable, disable or define the way of scaling the cam table *)
   MasterScalingMode       : MC_CamScalingMode := MC_CAMSCALING_USERDEFINED;
   SlaveScalingMode        : MC_CamScalingMode := MC_CAMSCALING_USERDEFINED;

   (* InterpolationType is required for position tables only. *)
   (* MotionFunctions don't need an InterpolationType *)
   InterpolationType       : MC_InterpolationType := MC_InterpolationType_Linear;