Data type MC_HomingMode

The data type MC_HomingMode is used for parameterizing the function block MC_Home

TYPE MC_HomingMode :
MC_DefaultHoming,    (* default homing as defined in the SystemManager encoder parameters *)
MC_AbsSwitch,        (* not implemented - Absolute Switch homing plus Limit switches *)
MC_LimitSwitch,      (* not implemented - Homing against Limit switches *)
MC_RefPulse,         (* not implemented - Homing using encoder Reference Pulse "Zero Mark" *)
MC_Direct,           (* Static Homing forcing position from user reference *)
MC_Absolute,         (* not implemented - Static Homing forcing position from absolute encoder *)
MC_Block,            (* not implemented - Homing against hardware parts blocking movement *)
MC_ForceCalibration, (* set the calibration flag without perfomring any motion or changing the position *)
MC_ResetCalibration  (* resets the calibration flag without perfomring any motion or changing the position *)