The data structure NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF is part of the AXIS_REF data structure and is automatically updated by the NC, so that updated information is available during each PLC cycle. NCTOPLC_AXIS_REF is also referred to as axis interface between NC and PLC.

StateDWord            : DWORD; (* Status double word *)
ErrorCode             : DWORD; (* Axis error code *)
AxisState             : DWORD; (* Axis moving status *)
AxisModeConfirmation  : DWORD; (* Axis mode confirmation (feedback from NC) *)
HomingState           : DWORD; (* State of axis calibration (homing) *)
CoupleState           : DWORD; (* Axis coupling state *)
SvbEntries            : DWORD; (* SVB entries/orders (SVB = Set preparation task) *)
SafEntries            : DWORD; (* SAF entries/orders (SAF = Set execution task) *)
AxisId                : DWORD; (* Axis ID *)
OpModeDWord           : DWORD; (* Current operation mode *)
ActiveControlLoopIndex: WORD;  (* Active control loop index *)
ControlLoopIndex      : WORD;  (* Axis control loop index (0, 1, 2, when multiple control loops are used) *)
ActPos                : LREAL; (* Actual position (absolut value from NC) *)
ModuloActPos          : LREAL; (* Actual modulo position *)
ModuloActTurns        : DINT;  (* Actual modulo turns *)
ActVelo               : LREAL; (* Actual velocity *)
PosDiff               : LREAL; (* Position difference (lag distance) *)
SetPos                : LREAL; (* Setpoint position *)
SetVelo               : LREAL; (* Setpoint velocity *)
SetAcc                : LREAL; (* Setpoint acceleration *)
TargetPos             : LREAL; (* Estimated target position *)
ModuloSetPos          : LREAL; (* Setpoint modulo position *)
ModuloSetTurns        : DINT;  (* Setpoint modulo turns *)
CmdNo                 : WORD;  (* Continuous actual command number *)
CmdState              : WORD;  (* Command state *)

Extended description of the TYPE NCTOPLC_AXLESTRUCT2 data structure