
MC_Halt 1:

MC_Halt stops an axis with a defined braking ramp.

In contrast to MC_Stop, the axis is not locked against further movement commands. The axis can therefore be restarted through a further command during the braking ramp or after it has come to a halt.

Travel commands can be applied to coupled slave axes, if this option was explicitly activated in the axis parameters. A motion command such as MC_Halt then automatically leads to uncoupling of the axis, after which the command is executed. In this case only Buffer-ModeAborting is possible.


Execute : BOOL;
Deceleration : LREAL;
Jerk : LREAL;
BufferMode : MC_BufferMode;
Options : ST_MoveOptions;



The command is executed with a rising edge at input Execute.


Deceleration (≥0). If the value is 0, the deceleration parameterized with the last Move command is used.
For safety reasons MC_Halt and MC_Stop cannot be executed with weaker dynamics than the currently active travel command. The parameterization is adjusted automatically, if necessary.


Jerk (≥0). If the value is 0, the jerk parameterized with the last Move command is used.
For safety reasons MC_Halt and MC_Stop cannot be executed with weaker dynamics than the currently active travel command. The parameterization is adjusted automatically, if necessary.


The BufferMode is analyzed, if the axis is already executing another command. The running command can be aborted, or the new command becomes active after the running command. The BufferMode also determines the transition condition from the current to the next command.
If the command is applied to a coupled slave axis used, the only available buffer mode is Aborting.
Special characteristics of MC_Halt: The MC_buffer mode has no effect, if the command is executed when the system is at a standstill. The blending modes MC_BlendingNext and MC_BlendingLow do not change the last target position, although they can result in a change in dynamics (deceleration) of the stop ramp. The modes MC_BlendingPrevious and MC_BlendingHigh extend the travel to the original target position. The stop ramp is only initiated when this position is reached (defined braking point).


Currently not implemented - The data structure option includes additional, rarely required parameters. The input can normally remain open.

General rules for MC function blocks


Done : BOOL;
Busy : BOOL;
Active : BOOL;
CommandAborted : BOOL;
Error : BOOL;
ErrorID : UDINT;


The Done output becomes TRUE, if the axis was stopped and has come to a standstill.


The Busy output becomes TRUE when the command is started with Execute and remains TRUE as long as the command is processed. If Busy becomes FALSE again, the function block is ready for a new job. At the same time one of the outputs, Done, CommandAborted or Error, is set.


Active indicates that the command is executed If the command was queued, it becomes active once a running command is completed.


Becomes TRUE, if the command could not be fully executed. The running command may have been followed by a Move command.


Becomes TRUE if an error occurs.


If the error output is set, this parameter supplies the error number.

General rules for MC function blocks


Axis : AXIS_REF;



Axis data structure

The axis data structure of type AXIS_REF addresses an axis uniquely within the system. Among other parameters it contains the current axis status, including position, velocity or error status.