
TYPE E_DestallMode :
    PwStMode_None := 0,

This enum specifies the way the MC_PowerStepper block works.

PwStMode_None: Nothing is done about a stall situation that occurs.
PwStMode_SetError: If a stall situation occurs, the axis adopts the error state with code 16#4636. A message in plain text, such as "MC_PowerStepper(AxId:=3) reporting error 0x4636 (stall error)!" is entered into the log book, and appears in the Logger view if the System Manager is running.
PwStMode_SetErrNonRef: If a stall situation occurs, the axis is placed into an error state, as under the PwStMode_SetError setting, and a plain text message is issued. The axis is, moreover, placed into the non-referenced state.
PwStMode_UseOverride: If a stall situation occurs, the profile generator for the axis is stopped as quickly as possible by setting the override to zero. Once the position controller has brought the axis back again to the current set position, the override of the profile generator is set to one so that it will then execute the remaining distance.


Development environment

Target system type

PLC libraries to be linked

TwinCAT v2.9, build 1026 onwards

PC (i386)
