With this function block you can realise a Server according to the IEC 61850 standard in the TwinCAT PLC. The connection parameters like IP-address and the application-specific parameters will be set over the input variables appPara and srvPara.
The Server block offers two actions:
- A_INIT; At the call of this action the server changes into the INITIALIZING condition. At this phase the internal database will be initialized (the instances of the joint data classes, attributes, logical nodes etc. will be generated). After the initialization of the internal database the Server is in the PREOP condition. At this condition furthermore application-dependent data classes can be generated in the database e.g. Datasets.
- A_OPERATE; The Server changes to the OPERATIONAL condition by calling this action. At this condition the Server can connect to the Client and exchange data actively.
appPara : ST_MMS_ApplicationPara; (* Application parameter *)
srvPara : ST_MMS_ProtocolPara; (* Communication parameter *)
pLD : DWORD := 0; (* Pointer to logical device node *)
cbLD : UDINT := 0; (* Byte size of logical device node *)
appPara: Application-specific configuration parameters (MMS and IEC 61850 parameter).
srvPara: Parameters that basically affect the configuration of the communication stack beneath MMS.
pLD: Pointer (address) on the instance of the structure with the model description of the logical device (LD). The address can be determined with the ADR operator.
cbLD: Size of the byte of the structure with the model description of the logical device (LD). The size of the byte can be determined with the SIZEOF operator.
system : ST_IED_System;
eState : E_IED_STATE;
system: System variable.
eState : Device status.
You can find further examples including every source under: Examples.
bInit : BOOL := TRUE;
bOperate : BOOL := TRUE;
bServer : FB_IEC61850Server := ( srvPara := ( sHost := '',(* change the IP-Address to meet your needs *)
debug := ( bError := TRUE, bLog := TRUE ) ) );(* Server instance *)
fbChange : FB_ACSI_ChangePresence;(* This function block changes the mandatory/optional presence parameter *)
Relay : ST_LD_Relay;(* Our logical device *)
bInit := FALSE;
fbServer.appPara.bAccessCtrl := FALSE; (* TRUE = Use access control/authentication, FALSE = Don't use access control/authentication *)
(* first user *)
fbServer.appPara.accessCtrl[1].bAuthentication := TRUE;(* TRUE = access control/authentication for this user enabled, FALSE = Disabled *)
fbServer.appPara.accessCtrl[1].authentMechanism := '';
fbServer.appPara.accessCtrl[1].authentPassword := 'PASSWORD';
(* second user *)
fbServer.appPara.accessCtrl[2].bAuthentication := TRUE;
fbServer.appPara.accessCtrl[2].authentMechanism := '';
fbServer.appPara.accessCtrl[2].authentPassword := 'OTHER';
(* at this point you can change the presence of some attributes... *)
(* change presence of some attributes *)
(* fbChange( pDO := ADR( Relay.LLN0.Loc.subEna ), cbDO := SIZEOF( Relay.LLN0.Loc.subEna ), bPresence := TRUE );*)(* change to mandatory *)
(* fbChange( pDO := ADR( Relay.LLN0.Loc.t ), cbDO := SIZEOF( Relay.LLN0.Loc.t ), bPresence := FALSE );*)(* change to optional *)
fbServer.A_INIT( pLD := ADR( Relay ), cbLD := SIZEOF( Relay ) );
IF bOperate THEN(* switch to oparating state *)
IF fbServer.eState = eIED_STATE_PREOP THEN
bOperate := FALSE;
(* at this point you can configure your data sets...*)
fbServer.A_OPERATE( pLD := ADR( Relay ), cbLD := SIZEOF( Relay ) );
fbServer( pLD := ADR( Relay ), cbLD := SIZEOF( Relay ) );
Development environment | Target system | PLC libraries to include |
TwinCAT v2.10.0 Build >= 1340 | PC or CX (X86, ARM) | TcIEC61850Server.Lib |