
FB_HVACSystemTaskInfo 1:

The function block determines system variables of the task with a resolution of 1 ms, in which it is currently called. If the current cycle time is less than 1 ms, the set task cycle time tTaskCycleTime is output on the output variable tCycleTime.


The tTaskCycleTime of the PLC program must not be longer than 100 ms, as otherwise the digital outputs will be deactivated.
This is because the internal K-bus of the Bus Terminals runs synchronously with the PLC program, which is no longer triggered early enough
and the watchdog of the Bus Terminals becomes active.


bReady              : BOOL;
tTaskCycleTime      : TIME;
tCycleTime          : TIME;
usiSystemTask       : USINT;

bReady: the variable is TRUE if the system information has been read out.

tTaskCycleTime: set task cycle time.

tCycleTime: cycle time required for the last cycle.

usiSystemTask: task index of the task.