
Structure with the contents of a read device value, e.g. flow rate or speed.

  lrValue      : LREAL;
  lrPrefix     : LREAL;
  sUnit        : STRING(8);
  eDataSize    : E_GENIBusMDataSize;
  byValueH     : BYTE;
  byValueL1    : BYTE;
  byValueL2    : BYTE;
  byValueL3    : BYTE;
  byInfoHead   : BYTE;
  byUnitIndex  : BYTE;
  byZeroH      : BYTE;
  byRangeZeroL : BYTE;

lrValue: Final value determined from the raw data.

lrPrefix: Sign and division (+/- and e.g. 0.1).

sUnit: Unit.

eDataSize: Size of the measured value (8, 16, 24 or 32 bytes).

byValueH: High byte of the measured value.

byValueL1: Low byte.

byValueL2: Low byte.

byValueL3: Low byte.

byInfoHead: Scaling information

byUnitIndex: Sign and unit – coded.

byZeroH: Zero point in the case of normal range and zero-point scaling OR high-byte zero point in the case of extended scaling.

byRangeZeroL: Range in the case of normal range and zero-point scaling OR low-byte zero point in the case of extended scaling.