
FB_EcCoeSdoWriteEx 1:

The FB_EcCoeSdoWrite function block permits an object from the object directory of an EtherCAT slave to be written by means of an SDO download. This requires the slave to have a mailbox and to support the "CANopen over EtherCAT" (CoE) protocol. The nSubIndex and nIndex parameters select the object the data should be written to. Via bCompleteAccess := TRUE the parameter is being written with all sub indexes.


    sNetId          : T_AmsNetId; (* AmsNetId of the EtherCAT master device.*)
    nSlaveAddr      : UINT; (* Address of the slave device.*)
    nSubIndex       : BYTE; (* CANopen Sdo subindex.*)
    nIndex          : WORD; (* CANopen Sdo index.*)
    pSrcBuf         : DWORD; (* Contains the address of the buffer containing the data to be send. *)
    cbBufLen        : UDINT; (* Contains the max. number of bytes to be received. *)
    bExecute        : BOOL; (* Function block execution is triggered by a rising edge at this input.*)
    tTimeout        : TIME := DEFAULT_ADS_TIMEOUT;(* States the time before the function is cancelled. *)
    bCompleteAccess : BOOL; (* access complete object*)

sNetId: This is a string that contains the AMS network identifier of the EtherCAT master device.

nSlaveAddr: Fixed address of the EtherCAT slave to which the SDO download command should be sent.

nSubIndex:Sub-index of the object that should be written to.

nIndex: Index of the object that should be written to.

pSrcBuf:Address (pointer) of the send buffer.

cbBufLen:Number (in bytes) of data to be sent.

bExecute: The block is activated by a rising edge at this input.

tTimeout: Maximum time allowed for the execution of the function block.

bCompleteAccess: With bCompleteAccess := TRUE the complete parameter with all sub indexes is being written.


    bBusy       : BOOL;
    bError      : BOOL;
    nErrId      : UDINT;

bBusy: This output is set when the function block is activated, and remains set until an acknowledgement is received.

bError: This output is set up after the bBusy output has been reset if there has been an error in transmission of the command.

nErrId: Supplies the ADS error code associated with the most recently executed command if the bError output is set.


Development environment

Target system type

Libraries to be linked

TwinCAT v2.10.0 Build >= 1319 or higher

PC or CX (x86)

( Standard.Lib; TcBase.Lib; TcSystem.Lib, TcUtilities.Lib are included automatically )

TwinCAT v2.10.0 Build >= 1319 or higher