
Error massage.

TYPE E_KL6581_Err :
  NO_ERROR          := 16#0,
  KL6581_WrongTerminal      := 16#A,
  KL6581_WatchdogError      := 16#10,
  KL6581_NoComWithKL6581    := 16#11,
  KL6581_idx_number_not_OK  := 16#12,
  KL6581_Switch_to_Stopp    := 16#13,
  KL6581_not_ready      := 16#14,
  KL6581_No_KL6853_Found    := 16#15,
  KL6581_TransmissionError  := 16#16,

NO_ERROR: No error is present at the block.

KL6581_WrongTerminal: Wrong terminal connected.

KL6581_WatchdogError: Timeout during initialization of the block FB_KL6581().

KL6581_NoComWithKL6581: No connection to the terminal. Terminal variables linked in the System Manager? Terminal plugged wrong? Clean all, Rebuild all and ReScan in the System Manager?

KL6581_idx_number_not_OK: The input variable nIdx of the block FB_KL6581() is greater than 64.

KL6581_Switch_to_Stopp: The terminal is gone from the data exchange with the EnOcean transmitter and receiver KL6583-0000. No EnOcean data were sent or received.

KL6581_not_ready: Internal message to the function blocks, which are connected to the FB_KL6581().

KL6581_No_KL6853_Found: There is no KL6583 to the KL6581 connected or the communication does not exist!

KL6581_TransmissionError: Data could be sent, address the KL6583 check or KL6583 non-operational.