
FB_SoEAX5000SetMotorCtrlWord_ByDriveRef 1:

The functionblock FB_SoEAX5000SetMotorCtrlWord_ByDriveRef can be used to set the ForceLock-Bit (Bit 0) or the ForceUnlock-Bit in the motor control word (P-0-0096), in order to set or release the brake. The brake is set and released automatically via the enable of the drive.

TheForceLock-Bit can be used to set the brake independent of the enable, the ForceUnlock-Bit can be used to release the brake independent of the enabl. If ForceLock and ForceUnlock are set simultaneously then the ForceLock (brake locked) has the higher priority.


    stDriveRef   : ST_DriveRef; 
    bExecute     : BOOL; 
    tTimeout     : TIME := DEFAULT_ADS_TIMEOUT;bForceLock   : BOOL;
    bForceUnlock : BOOL

stDriveRef: The drive reference can be linked in the System Manager between PLC and drive. The link can be done to an instance of the ST_PlcDriveRef. The structure ST_PlcDriveRef contains the NetID as byte array. The byte array can be converted to a string. See ST_DriveRef.

bExecute: The block is activated by a rising edge at this input.

tTimeout: Maximum time allowed for the execution of the function block.

bForceLock: Lock the brake independent of the enable.

bForceUnlock: Release (unlock) the brake independent of the enable.


    bBusy        : BOOL;
    bError       : BOOL;
    iAdsErrId    : UINT;
    iSercosErrId : UINT;

bBusy: This output is set when the function block is activated, and remains set until an acknowledgement is received.

bError: This output is set up after the bBusy output has been reset if there has been an error in transmission of the command.

iAdsErrId: Supplies the ADS error code associated with the most recently executed command if the bError output is set.

iSercosErrId: Supplies the Sercos error code associated with the most recently executed command if the bError output is set.

dwAttribute: Supplies the attribut of the Sercos parameter.


fbSetMotorCtrlWord : FB_SoEAX5000SetMotorCtrlWord_ByDriveRef;
bSetMotorCtrlWord  : BOOL;
bForceLock         : BOOL;
bForceUnlock       : BOOL;
stPlcDriveRef AT %I* : ST_PlcDriveRef;
stDriveRef           : ST_DriveRef;
    stDriveRef.sNetId     := F_CreateAmsNetId(stPlcDriveRef.aNetId);
    stDriveRef.nSlaveAddr := stPlcDriveRef.nSlaveAddr;
    stDriveRef.nDriveNo   := stPlcDriveRef.nDriveNo;
    stDriveRef.nDriveType := stPlcDriveRef.nDriveType;

    IF (stDriveRef.sNetId <> '') AND (stDriveRef.nSlaveAddr <> 0) THEN
        bInit := FALSE;

IF bSetMotorCtrlWord AND NOT bInit THEN
        stDriveRef := stDriveRef,
        bExecute := TRUE,
        tTimeout := DEFAULT_ADS_TIMEOUT,
        bForceLock := bForceLock,
        bForceUnlock:= bForceUnlock
    IF NOT fbSetMotorCtrlWord.bBusy THEN
       fbSetMotorCtrlWord(stDriveRef := stDriveRef, bExecute := FALSE);
        bSetMotorCtrlWord := FALSE;