
FB_DALIV2QueryTestTiming 1:

This function block reads the test times (intervals, time until next event, etc.) from the control gear. This takes place depending on the value applied at the nDTR input. The background to this is that the DALI basic command 242 “Query test timing” works together with the contents of the Data Transfer Register (DTR), which must be written to accordingly beforehand. The function block FB_DALIV2QueryTestTiming combines these two actions. The following data are read from the device, depending on the nDTR value:


read value

0 (2#0000 0000)

If automatic test is activated: time until next function test (high-byte) in quarter hours
If automatic test is not activated: MASK (255)

1 (2#0000 0001)

If automatic test is activated: time until next function test (low-byte) in quarter hours
If automatic test is not activated: MASK (255)

2 (2#0000 0010)

If automatic test is activated: time until next duration test (high-byte) in quarter hours
If automatic test is not activated: MASK (255)

3 (2#0000 0011)

If automatic test is activated: time until next duration test (low-byte) in quarter hours
If automatic test is not activated: MASK (255)

4 (2#0000 0100)

If automatic test is activated: test interval of the function test in days
If automatic test is not activated: MASK (255)

5 (2#0000 0101)

If automatic test is activated: test interval of the duration test in weeks
If automatic test is not activated: MASK (255)

6 (2#0000 0110)

Test execution timeout in days (maximum execution period for one test). Applies only to the automatic test!

7 (2#0000 0111)

Lamp-on extension time after exiting from emergency operating mode, measured in 0.5-min steps

FB_DALIV2QueryTestTiming 2:

This command belongs to the application extended commands for DALI emergency lighting. These only work if they are preceded by the Enable Device Type 1 command, which can be sent with the function block FB_DALIV2EnableDeviceType(). From version 2.6.0 of the libraries TcDALIV2 and TcDALIV2AppExtCmds, however, the Enable Device Type 1 command is internally placed automatically before all application extended commands for DALI emergency lighting.


bStart            : BOOL;
nAddr             : BYTE;
eAddrType         : E_DALIV2AddrType := eDALIV2AddrTypeShort;
eCommandPriority  : E_DALIV2CommandPriority := eDALIV2CommandPriorityMiddle;
nDTR              : BYTE;

bStart: The block is activated by a rising edge at this input.

nAddr: The address of a participating device or of a group.

eAddrType: Short address, group address or broadcast.

eCommandPriority: The priority (high, middle, low) this command has when executed by the library.

nDTR: Depending on this input, the specific values will be read out of the device.


bBusy         : BOOL;
bError        : BOOL;
nErrorId      : UDINT;
nValue        : BYTE;

bBusy: When the block is activated the output is set, and it remains active until execution of the command has been completed.

bError: This output is switched to TRUE if an error occurs during the execution of a command. The command-specific error code is contained in nErrorId. Is reset to FALSE by the execution of an instruction at the inputs.

nErrorId: Contains the command-specific error code of the most recently executed command. Is reset to 0 by the execution of an instruction at the inputs. See Error codes.

nValue: Read value.


stCommandBuffer   : ST_DALIV2CommandBuffer;

stCommandBuffer: A reference to the structure for communication with the FB_DALIV2Communication() (KL6811) or FB_KL6821Communication() (KL6821) block.