The function block represents an I transfer element with drift compensation.
Functional diagram:
fIn : FLOAT;
fManSyncValue : FLOAT;
bSync : BOOL;
eMode : E_CTRL_MODE;
bHold : BOOL;
fIn : Input of the I-element.
fManSyncValue : Input to which the I-element can be synchronized, or whose value is the present at the output in Manual Mode.
bSync : A rising edge at this input sets the integrator to the value fManSyncValue.
eMode : Input that specifies the block's operating mode.
bHold : A TRUE at this input holds the integrator fixed at the current value, independently of the input fIn.
fOut : FLOAT;
bARWactive : BOOL;
eState : E_CTRL_STATE;
bError : BOOL;
fOut : Output of the I element.
bARWactive : A TRUE at this output signals that the integrator is being restricted.
eState : State of the function block.
nErrorID : Returns the ADS error number when the bError output is set.
bError: Becomes TRUE, as soon as an error occurs.
stParams : Parameter structure of the I element. This consists of the following elements:
tCtrlCycleTime : TIME := T#0ms; (* controller cycle
time [TIME] *)
tTaskCycleTime : TIME := T#0ms; (* task cycle time
[TIME] *)
tTi : TIME := T#0ms; (* integral action
time Ti *)
fOutMaxLimit : FLOAT := 1E38; (* maximum output
limit *)
fOutMinLimit : FLOAT := -1E38; (* minimum output
limit *)
fDampingCoefficient : FLOAT := 0.0;
tAveragingTime : TIME := T#0ms; (* averaging time
pWorkArray_ADR : POINTER TO FLOAT := 0;
nWorkArray_SIZEOF : UINT := 0;
tCtrlCycleTime : Cycle time with which the control loop is processed. This must be greater than or equal to the TaskCycleTime. The function block uses this input value to calculate internally whether the state and the output values have to be updated in the current cycle.
tTaskCycleTime : Cycle time with which the function block is called. If the function block is called in every cycle this corresponds to the task cycle time of the calling task.
tTi : Integration time of the I element.
fOutMaxLimit : Upper limit at which integration is halted (ARW measure). Reaching this limit is indicated by a TRUE at the bARWActive output.
fOutMinLimit : Lower limit at which integration is halted (ARW measure). Reaching this limit is indicated by a TRUE at the bARWActive output.
fDampingCoefficient : Factor kd in the functional diagram.
tAveragingTime : Time across which the sliding average value filter calculates the average value.
pWorkArray_ADR : address of a FLOAT array with size tAveragingTime / tCtrlCycleTime. (see description of the function block FB_CTRL_MOVING_AVERAGE)
nWorkArray_SIZEOF : size of a FLOAT array with size tAveragingTime / tCtrlCycleTime. (see description of the function block FB_CTRL_MOVING_AVERAGE)