Calculation of German public holidays.
Holidays for the current year are calculated based on the date entered. A boolean output indicates whether the entered date matches one of the calculated holidays. To ensure international readability the block was translated into English. The parameters have the following meaning:
English name | German name |
NewYears Day | Neujahr |
Epiphany | Heilige Drei Könige |
Good Friday | Karfreitag |
Easter Sunday | Ostersonntag |
Easter Monday | Ostermontag |
Labour Day | Maifeiertag |
Ascension Day | Christi Himmelfahrt |
Whit Sunday | Pfingstsonntag |
Whit Monday | Pfingstmontag |
Corpus Christi | Fronleichnam |
Assumption Day | Mariä Himmelfahrt |
German Unification Day | Tag Der Deutschen Einheit |
Reformation Day | Reformationstag |
All Saints Day | Allerheiligen |
Penance Day | Buß- und Bettag |
Christmas Eve | Heiligabend |
1st ChristmasDay | 1. Weihnachtstag |
2nd ChristmasDay | 2. Weihnachtstag |
New Years Eve | Silvester |
dCurrentDate : DATE;
dCurrentDate: current date.
dNewYearsDay : DATE;
dEpiphany : DATE;
dGoodFriday : DATE;
dEasterSunday : DATE;
dEasterMonday : DATE;
dLabourDay : DATE;
dAscensionDay : DATE;
dWhitSunday : DATE;
dWhitMonday : DATE;
dCorpusChristi : DATE;
dAssumptionDay : DATE;
dGermanUnificationDay : DATE;
dReformationDay : DATE;
dAllSaintsDay : DATE;
dPenanceDay : DATE;
dChristmasEve : DATE;
d1stChristmasDay : DATE;
d2ndChristmasDay : DATE;
dNewYearsEve : DATE;
bNewYearsDay : BOOL;
bEpiphany : BOOL;
bGoodFriday : BOOL;
bEasterSunday : BOOL;
bEasterMonday : BOOL;
bLabourDay : BOOL;
bAscensionDay : BOOL;
bWhitSunday : BOOL;
bWhitMonday : BOOL;
bCorpusChristi : BOOL;
bAssumptionDay : BOOL;
bGermanUnificationDay : BOOL;
bReformationDay : BOOL;
bAllSaintsDay : BOOL;
bPenanceDay : BOOL;
bChristmasEve : BOOL;
b1stChristmasDay : BOOL;
b2ndChristmasDay : BOOL;
bNewYearsEve : BOOL;
dxxxxxx: Date of the respective holiday.
bxxxxxx: Boolean statement indicating whether today is the respective holiday.