
FB_RoofWindow 1:


A rising edge at the bClose or bOpen inputs set the bWindowClose or bWindowOpen outputs respectively. These remain asserted until the time tTurnOffTime has elapsed, or until the block receives some other command. Both outputs are immediately reset by a positive edge at the bStop input.

The tSwitchOverDeadTime can be used to prevent damage to the drive motor caused by immediate changes in direction. In most cases, this value is between 0.5 seconds and 1.0 seconds. The drive manufacturer can give you a precise value.

Safety position

Travel to the safety position (e.g. because there is a strong wind) can be achieved by setting the bSafetyPosition input. The output bWindowClose is set and the output bWindowOpen reset for the period specified by tTurnOffTime. Operation of the window is prevented for as long as the bSafetyPosition input is active.


bClose               : BOOL;
bOpen                : BOOL;
bStop                : BOOL;
bSafetyPosition      : BOOL;
bLimitSwitchClose    : BOOL;
bLimitSwitchOpen     : BOOL;
tTurnOffTime         : TIME := t#60s;
tSwitchOverDeadTime  : TIME := t#400ms;

bClose: Set the bWindowClose output and reset the bWindowOpen output. The bWindowClose output remains latched.

bOpen: Set the bWindowOpen output and reset the bWindowClose output. The bWindowOpen output remains latched.

bStop: Reset the bWindowClose and bWindowOpen outputs.

bSafetyPosition: The safety position is approached. To do this, the window is closed for the period specified by tTurnOffTime. It is not possible to operate the window while this input is set.

bLimitSwitchClose: Optional limit switch. If bClose is set and bLimitSwitchClose is not set for the period specified by tTurnOffTime, bErrorLimitSwitchClose will be set.

bLimitSwitchOpen: Optional limit switch. If bOpen is set and bLimitSwitchOpen is not set for the period specified by tTurnOffTime, bErrorLimitSwitchOpen will be set.

tTurnOffTime: If no input is activated, then the outputs are reset after this period of time. The outputs are not automatically reset if the specified duration is 0. The value given here should be about 10% larger than the travel time that is actually measured.

tSwitchOverDeadTime: Dwell time at a change of direction. Both outputs are reset during this period.


bWindowOpen            : BOOL;
bWindowClose           : BOOL;
bErrorLimitSwitchClose : BOOL;
bErrorLimitSwitchOpen  : BOOL;

bWindowOpen: The window opens.

bWindowClose: The window closes.

bErrorLimitSwitchClose: Error of optional limit switch while closing.

bErrorLimitSwitchOpen: Error of optional limit switch while opening.