
FB_StairwellLight 1:

A rising edge at the bSwitch input sets the bLight output. The output is reset again once tLightDuration has elapsed. If a signal is presented again to the bSwitch input before this time has elapsed, the timer is restarted. When tPreWarningStart has elapsed, the light is switched off (as a prewarning) for the period tPreWarningDuration. If this prewarning is not to be given, the parameter tPreWarningStart must be set to 0. A rising edge at the bOff input switches the output off immediately.


bSwitch             : BOOL;
bOff                : BOOL;
tLightDuration      : TIME := t#120s;
tPreWarningStart    : TIME := t#110s;
tPreWarningDuration : TIME := t#500ms;

bSwitch: Switches the output on for the period of time given by tLightDuration.

bOff: Switches the output off.

tLightDuration: Period for which the output is set.

tPreWarningStart: Warning time.

tPreWarningDuration: Duration of the prewarning.


bLight          : BOOL;

bLight: A rising edge at the bSwitch input sets the output for the duration of tLightDuration.