
The enumeration defines constant values for the different module types in the MDP (Modular Device Profile).
A module type can occur several times per device. Hence, a device with two Ethernet interfaces also has two NIC modules.

TYPE E_IPCDiag_ModuleType :(
    NIC                := 16#0002,
    Time_              := 16#0003,
    UserManagement     := 16#0004,
    RAS                := 16#0005,
    FTP                := 16#0006,
    SMB                := 16#0007,
    TwinCAT            := 16#0008,
    Datastore          := 16#0009,
    Software           := 16#000A,
    CPU                := 16#000B,
    Memory             := 16#000C,
    Firewall           := 16#000E,
    FileSystemObject   := 16#0010,
    PLC                := 16#0012,
    DisplayDevice      := 16#0013,
    EWF                := 16#0014,
    FBWF               := 16#0015,
    SiliconDrive       := 16#0017,
    OS                 := 16#0018,
    Raid               := 16#0019,
    Fan                := 16#001B,
    Mainboard          := 16#001C,
    DiskManagement     := 16#001D,
    UPS                := 16#001E,
    PhysicalDrive      := 16#001F,
    MassStorage        := 16#0020,
    UWF                := 16#0021,
    Misc               := 16#0100

Detailed information on the modules can be found in the documentation for the IPC diagnostics under module types.