Reads out a parameter of the IO-Link device.
Name | Type | Description |
nIndex | WORD | Index of the IO-Link Parameter |
nSubindex | BYTE | Subindex of the IO-Link Parameter 0 for the whole Structure |
pDSTBuf | PVOID | Address of the buffer which is to receive the data that has been read. The programmer is himself responsible for dimensioning the buffer to a size that can accept LEN bytes. The buffer can be a single variable, an array or a structure, whose address can be determined with the ADR operator. |
cbBufLen | UDINT | Number, in bytes, of the data to be read. |
Name | Type | Description |
READ | HRESULT | Return value |
Development environment | Required PLC library |
TwinCAT from v3.1.4024.25 | Tc3_IoLink from v3.3.4.0 |