
This function block enables the asynchronous request for an event text in the desired language.
Name | Description |
This method clears the last result queried. | |
As soon as bBusy is FALSE and provided no error has occurred (bError = FALSE), the requested text can be fetched with this method. | |
Calling this method triggers the asynchronous text request. | |
Calling this method triggers the asynchronous request on a remote target system. |
Name | Type | Access | Description |
bBusy | BOOL | Get | TRUE as long as the processing is not yet completed. |
bError | BOOL | Get | TRUE when an error occurs. |
hrErrorCode | HRESULT | Get | Outputs the error information if bError is TRUE. |
Development environment | Target platform | PLC libraries to include |
TwinCAT v3.1.4022.20 | PC or CX (x64, x86, ARM) | Tc3_EventLogger |
Further Information