DALI PLC Commissioning Tool

The PLC project DALI PLC Commissioning Tool offers the user the possibility to configure DALI devices and up to ten KL6821/EL6821 with the aid of the TwinCAT PLC HMI (see Tc3_DALI_PLC_Commissioning_Tool_V3.8.0.0.zip).

DALI PLC Commissioning Tool 1:

The TwinCAT project is available for download as *.zip file. This must first be unpacked locally so that the archive (*.tnzip file) is available for import into the TwinCAT project.

This project can be extended for specific applications, or it can only be used for configuration purposes. It initially supports ten KL6821/EL6821 via the global variable nNumberOfDALILines, but can be extended by the user to include more lines or the KL6811.

The dialogs offer not only functions for addressing DALI control gears and DALI control devices, but also for writing and reading parameters.

Using the drop-down menu, the user can select whether to parameterize DALI control gears or DALI control devices.

DALI PLC Commissioning Tool 2:
DALI PLC Commissioning Tool 3:

Addressing of the DALI devices and querying of the addresses that are already assigned takes place under the Addressing tab, which is available for both control gears and sensors.

DALI PLC Commissioning Tool 4:

Parameters can be read based on selected short addresses and can be written, as far as possible.

DALI PLC Commissioning Tool 5:

There are also dialogs for

For this purpose, one page is available for reading the configuration and one for writing.


Required PLC library

DALI PLC Commissioning Tool

Tc3_DALI from v3.13.0.0

Tc3_DALI_PLC_Commissioning_Tool v3.8.0.0