The enumeration is used to specify units.
Invalid := -1,
eArea_SquareMeters := 0,
eArea_SquareFeet := 1,
eElectrical_Milliamperes := 2,
eElectrical_Amperes := 3,
eElectrical_Ohms := 4,
eElectrical_Volts := 5,
eElectrical_Kilovolts := 6,
eElectrical_Megavolts := 7,
eElectrical_VoltAmperes := 8,
eElectrical_KilovoltAmperes := 9,
eElectrical_MegavoltAmperes := 10,
eElectrical_VoltAmperesReactive := 11,
eElectrical_KilovoltAmperesReactive := 12,
eElectrical_MegavoltAmperesReactive := 13,
eElectrical_DegreesPhase := 14,
eElectrical_PowerFactor := 15,
eEnergy_Joules := 16,
eEnergy_Kilojoules := 17,
eEnergy_WattHours := 18,
eEnergy_KilowattHours := 19,
eEnergy_Btus := 20,
eEnergy_Therms := 21,
eEnergy_TonHours := 22,
eEnthalpy_JoulesPerKilogramDryAir := 23,
eEnthalpy_BtusPerPoundDryAir := 24,
eFrequency_CyclesPerHour := 25,
eFrequency_CyclesPerMinute := 26,
eFrequency_Hertz := 27,
eHumidity_GramsOfWaterPerKilogramDryAir := 28,
eHumidity_PercentRelativeHumidity := 29,
eLength_Millimeters := 30,
eLength_Meters := 31,
eLength_Inches := 32,
eLength_Feet := 33,
eLight_WattsPerSquareFoot := 34,
eLight_WattsPerSquareMeter := 35,
eLight_Lumens := 36,
eLight_Luxes := 37,
eLight_FootCandles := 38,
eMass_Kilograms := 39,
eMass_PoundsMass := 40,
eMass_Tons := 41,
eMassFlow_KilogramsPerSecond := 42,
eMassFlow_KilogramsPerMinute := 43,
eMassFlow_KilogramsPerHour := 44,
eMassFlow_PoundsMassPerMinute := 45,
eMassFlow_PoundsMassPerHour := 46,
ePower_Watts := 47,
ePower_Kilowatts := 48,
ePower_Megawatts := 49,
ePower_BtusPerHour := 50,
ePower_Horsepower := 51,
ePower_TonsRefrigeration := 52,
ePressure_Pascals := 53,
ePressure_Kilopascals := 54,
ePressure_Bars := 55,
ePressure_PoundsForcePerSquareInch := 56,
ePressure_CentimetersOfWater := 57,
ePressure_InchesOfWater := 58,
ePressure_MillimetersOfMercury := 59,
ePressure_CentimetersOfMercury := 60,
ePressure_InchesOfMercury := 61,
eTemperature_DegreesCelsius := 62,
eTemperature_DegreesKelvin := 63,
eTemperature_DegreesFahrenheit := 64,
eTemperature_DegreeDaysCelsius := 65,
eTemperature_DegreeDaysFahrenheit := 66,
eTime_Years := 67,
eTime_Months := 68,
eTime_Weeks := 69,
eTime_Days := 70,
eTime_Hours := 71,
eTime_Minutes := 72,
eTime_Seconds := 73,
eVelocity_MetersPerSecond := 74,
eVelocity_KilometersPerHour := 75,
eVelocity_FeetPerSecond := 76,
eVelocity_FeetPerMinute := 77,
eVelocity_MilesPerHour := 78,
eVolume_CubicFeet := 79,
eVolume_CubicMeters := 80,
eVolume_ImperialGallons := 81,
eVolume_Liters := 82,
eVolume_UsGallons := 83,
eVolumetricFlow_CubicFeetPerMinute := 84,
eVolumetricFlow_CubicMetersPerSecond := 85,
eVolumetricFlow_ImperialGallonsPerMinute := 86,
eVolumetricFlow_LitersPerSecond := 87,
eVolumetricFlow_LitersPerMinute := 88,
eVolumetricFlow_UsGallonsPerMinute := 89,
eOther_DegreesAngular := 90,
eOther_DegreesCelsiusPerHour := 91,
eOther_DegreesCelsiusPerMinute := 92,
eOther_DegreesFahrenheitPerHour := 93,
eOther_DegreesFahrenheitPerMinute := 94,
eOther_NoUnits := 95,
eOther_PartsPerMillion := 96,
eOther_PartsPerBillion := 97,
eOther_Percent := 98,
eOther_PercentPerSecond := 99,
eOther_PerMinute := 100,
eOther_PerSecond := 101,
eOther_PsiPerDegreeFahrenheit := 102,
eOther_Radians := 103,
eOther_RevolutionsPerMinute := 104,
eCurrency_Currency1 := 105,
eCurrency_Currency2 := 106,
eCurrency_Currency3 := 107,
eCurrency_Currency4 := 108,
eCurrency_Currency5 := 109,
eCurrency_Currency6 := 110,
eCurrency_Currency7 := 111,
eCurrency_Currency8 := 112,
eCurrency_Currency9 := 113,
eCurrency_Currency10 := 114,
eArea_SquareInches := 115,
eArea_SquareCentimeters := 116,
eEnthalpy_BtusPerPound := 117,
eLength_Centimeters := 118,
eMassFlow_PoundsMassPerSecond := 119,
eTemperature_DeltaDegreesFahrenheit := 120,
eTemperature_DeltaDegreesKelvin := 121,
eElectrical_Kilohms := 122,
eElectrical_Megohms := 123,
eElectrical_Millivolts := 124,
eEnergy_KilojoulesPerKilogram := 125,
eEnergy_Megajoules := 126,
eEntropy_JoulesPerDegreeKelvin := 127,
eEntropy_JoulesPerKilogramDegreeKelvin := 128,
eFrequency_Kilohertz := 129,
eFrequency_Megahertz := 130,
eFrequency_PerHour := 131,
ePower_Milliwatts := 132,
ePressure_Hectopascals := 133,
ePressure_Millibars := 134,
eVolumetricFlow_CubicMetersPerHour := 135,
eVolumetricFlow_LitersPerHour := 136,
eOther_KilowattHoursPerSquareMeter := 137,
eOther_KilowattHoursPerSquareFoot := 138,
eOther_MegajoulesPerSquareMeter := 139,
eOther_MegajoulesPerSquareFoot := 140,
eOther_WattsPerSquareMeterDegreeKelvin := 141,
eVolumetricFlow_CubicFeetPerSecond := 142,
eOther_PercentObscurationPerFoot := 143,
eOther_PercentObscurationPerMeter := 144,
eElectrical_Milliohms := 145,
eEnergy_MegawattHours := 146,
eEnergy_KiloBtus := 147,
eEnergy_MegaBtus := 148,
eEnthalpy_KilojoulesPerKilogramDryAir := 149,
eEnthalpy_MegajoulesPerKilogramDryAir := 150,
eEntropy_KilojoulesPerDegreeKelvin := 151,
eEntropy_MegajoulesPerDegreeKelvin := 152,
eForce_Newton := 153,
eMassFlow_GramsPerSecond := 154,
eMassFlow_GramsPerMinute := 155,
eMassFlow_TonsPerHour := 156,
ePower_KiloBtusPerHour := 157,
eTime_HundredthsSeconds := 158,
eTime_Milliseconds := 159,
eTorque_NewtonMeters := 160,
eVelocity_MillimetersPerSecond := 161,
eVelocity_MillimetersPerMinute := 162,
eVelocity_MetersPerMinute := 163,
eVelocity_MetersPerHour := 164,
eVolumetricFlow_CubicMetersPerMinute := 165,
eAcceleration_MetersPerSecondPerSecond := 166,
eElectrical_AmperesPerMeter := 167,
eElectrical_AmperesPerSquareMeter := 168,
eElectrical_AmpereSquareMeters := 169,
eElectrical_Farads := 170,
eElectrical_Henrys := 171,
eElectrical_OhmMeters := 172,
eElectrical_Siemens := 173,
eElectrical_SiemensPerMeter := 174,
eElectrical_Teslas := 175,
eElectrical_VoltsPerDegreeKelvin := 176,
eElectrical_VoltsPerMeter := 177,
eElectrical_Webers := 178,
eLight_Candelas := 179,
eLight_CandelasPerSquareMeter := 180,
eTemperature_DegreesKelvinPerHour := 181,
eTemperature_DegreesKelvinPerMinute := 182,
eOther_JouleSeconds := 183,
eOther_RadiansPerSecond := 184,
eOther_SquareMetersPerNewton := 185,
eOther_KilogramsPerCubicMeter := 186,
eOther_NewtonSeconds := 187,
eOther_NewtonsPerMeter := 188,
eOther_WattsPerMeterPerDegreeKelvin := 189,
eMicro_Siemens := 190,
eCubic_FeetPerHour := 191,
eUs_GallonsPerHour := 192,
eKilometers := 193,
eMicrometers := 194,
eGrams := 195,
eMilligrams := 196,
eMilliliters := 197,
eMillilitersPerSecond := 198,
eDecibels := 199,
eDecibelsMillivolt := 200,
eDecibelsVolt := 201,
eMillisiemens := 202,
eWatt_HoursReactive := 203,
eKilowattHoursReactive := 204,
eMegawattHoursReactive := 205,
eMillimetersOfWater := 206,
ePer_Mille := 207,
eGrams_PerGram := 208,
eKilograms_PerKilogram := 209,
eGrams_PerKilogram := 210,
eMilligrams_PeGram := 211,
eMilligrams_PeKilogram := 212,
eGrams_PerMilliliter := 213,
eGrams_PerLiter := 214,
eMilligrams_PerLiter := 215,
eMicrograms_PerLiter := 216,
eGrams_PerCubicMeter := 217,
eMilligrams_PerCubicMeter := 218,
eMicrograms_PerCubicMeter := 219,
eNanograms_PerCubicMeter := 220,
eGrams_PerCubicCentimeter := 221,
eBecquerels := 222,
eKilobecquerels := 223,
eMegabecquerels := 224,
eGray := 225,
eMilligray := 226,
eMicrogray := 227,
eSieverts := 228,
eMillisieverts := 229,
eMicrosieverts := 230,
eMicrosievertsPerHour := 231,
eDecibels_A := 232,
eNephelometric_TurbidityUnit := 233,
ePH := 234,
eGrams_PerSquareMeter := 235,
eMinutes_PerDegreeKelvin := 236
Name | Description |
Invalid | No significance for the user. |
eArea_SquareMeters | Square meters |
eArea_SquareFeet | Square feet |
eElectrical_Milliamperes | Milliamperes |
eElectrical_Amperes | Amperes |
eElectrical_Ohms | Ohms |
eElectrical_Volts | Volts |
eElectrical_Kilovolts | Kilovolts |
eElectrical_Megavolts | Megavolts |
eElectrical_VoltAmperes | Volt-amperes |
eElectrical_KilovoltAmperes | Kilovolt-amperes |
eElectrical_MegavoltAmperes | Megavolt-amperes |
eElectrical_VoltAmperesReactive | Volt-amperes reactive |
eElectrical_KilovoltAmperesReactive | Kilovolt-amperes reactive |
eElectrical_MegavoltAmperesReactive | Megavolt-amperes reactive |
eElectrical_DegreesPhase | Phase position in degrees |
eElectrical_PowerFactor | Power factor cos φ |
eEnergy_Joules | Joules |
eEnergy_Kilojoules | Kilojoules |
eEnergy_WattHours | Watt-hours |
eEnergy_KilowattHours | Kilowatt-hours |
eEnergy_Btus | BTUs (British Thermal Unit) |
eEnergy_Therms | Therms |
eEnergy_TonHours | Ton-hours |
eEnthalpy_JoulesPerKilogramDryAir | Joules per kg dry air |
eEnthalpy_BtusPerPoundDryAir | BTUs per pound dry air |
eFrequency_CyclesPerHour | Cycles per hour |
eFrequency_CyclesPerMinute | Cycles per minute |
eFrequency_Hertz | Hertz |
eHumidity_GramsOfWaterPerKilogramDryAir | Grams of water per kilogram dry air |
eHumidity_PercentRelativeHumidity | Percent relative humidity |
eLength_Millimeters | Millimeters |
eLength_Meters | Meters |
eLength_Inches | Inches |
eLength_Feet | Feet |
eLight_WattsPerSquareFoot | Watts per square foot |
eLight_WattsPerSquareMeter | Watts per square meter |
eLight_Lumens | Lumens |
eLight_Luxes | Luxes |
eLight_FootCandles | Foot candles (Anglo-Saxon unit of measurement for illuminance) |
eMass_Kilograms | Kilograms |
eMass_PoundsMass | Pounds mass |
eMass_Tons | Tons |
eMassFlow_KilogramsPerSecond | Kilograms per second |
eMassFlow_KilogramsPerMinute | Kilograms per minute |
eMassFlow_KilogramsPerHour | Kilograms per hour |
eMassFlow_PoundsMassPerMinute | Pounds mass per minute |
eMassFlow_PoundsMassPerHour | Pounds mass per hour |
ePower_Watts | Watts |
ePower_Kilowatts | Kilowatts |
ePower_Megawatts | Megawatts |
ePower_BtusPerHour | BTUs per hour |
ePower_Horsepower | Horsepower |
ePower_TonsRefrigeration | Cooling capacity - energy to melt a ton of ice in 24h. |
ePressure_Pascals | Pascals |
ePressure_Kilopascals | Kilopascals |
ePressure_Bars | Bars |
ePressure_PoundsForcePerSquareInch | Pounds force per square foot |
ePressure_CentimetersOfWater | Centimeters of water |
ePressure_InchesOfWater | Inches of water |
ePressure_MillimetersOfMercury | Millimeters of mercury |
ePressure_CentimetersOfMercury | Centimeters of mercury |
ePressure_InchesOfMercury | Inches of mercury |
eTemperature_DegreesCelsius | Degrees Celsius |
eTemperature_DegreesKelvin | Degrees Kelvin |
eTemperature_DegreesFahrenheit | Degrees Fahrenheit |
eTemperature_DegreeDaysCelsius | Degree days Celsius |
eTemperature_DegreeDaysFahrenheit | Degree days Fahrenheit |
eTime_Years | Years |
eTime_Months | Months |
eTime_Weeks | Weeks |
eTime_Days | Days |
eTime_Hours | Hours |
eTime_Minutes | Minutes |
eTime_Seconds | Seconds |
eVelocity_MetersPerSecond | Meters per second |
eVelocity_KilometersPerHour | Kilometers per hour |
eVelocity_FeetPerSecond | Feet per second |
eVelocity_FeetPerMinute | Feet per hour |
eVelocity_MilesPerHour | Miles per hour |
eVolume_CubicFeet | Cubic feet |
eVolume_CubicMeters | Cubic meters |
eVolume_ImperialGallons | Imperial gallons |
eVolume_Liters | Liters |
eVolume_UsGallons | US gallons |
eVolumetricFlow_CubicFeetPerMinute | Cubic feet per minute |
eVolumetricFlow_CubicMetersPerSecond | Cubic meters per second |
eVolumetricFlow_ImperialGallonsPerMinute | Imperial gallons per minute |
eVolumetricFlow_LitersPerSecond | Liters per second |
eVolumetricFlow_LitersPerMinute | Liters per minute |
eVolumetricFlow_UsGallonsPerMinute | US gallons per minute |
eOther_DegreesAngular | Degrees Angular |
eOther_DegreesCelsiusPerHour | Degrees Celsius per hour |
eOther_DegreesCelsiusPerMinute | Degrees Celsius per minute |
eOther_DegreesFahrenheitPerHour | Degrees Fahrenheit per hour |
eOther_DegreesFahrenheitPerMinute | Degrees Fahrenheit per minute |
eOther_NoUnits | No units |
eOther_PartsPerMillion | Parts per million |
eOther_PartsPerBillion | Parts per billion |
eOther_Percent | Percent |
eOther_PercentPerSecond | Percent per second |
eOther_PerMinute | Per minute |
eOther_PerSecond | Per second |
eOther_PsiPerDegreeFahrenheit | Psi per degree Fahrenheit |
eOther_Radians | Radians |
eOther_RevolutionsPerMinute | Revolutions per minute |
eCurrency_CurrencyN | Currency |
eArea_SquareInches | Square inches |
eArea_SquareCentimeters | Square centimeters |
eEnthalpy_BtusPerPound | BTUs per pound |
eLength_Centimeters | Centimeters |
eMassFlow_PoundsMassPerSecond | Pounds mass per second |
eTemperature_DeltaDegreesFahrenheit | Delta degrees Fahrenheit |
eTemperature_DeltaDegreesKelvin | Delta degrees Kelvin |
eElectrical_Kilohms | Kilohms |
eElectrical_Megohms | Megohms |
eElectrical_Millivolts | Millivolts |
eEnergy_KilojoulesPerKilogram | Kilojoules |
eEnergy_Megajoules | Megajoules |
eEntropy_JoulesPerDegreeKelvin | Joules per degree Kelvin |
eEntropy_JoulesPerKilogramDegreeKelvin | Joules per kilogram degree Kelvin |
eFrequency_Kilohertz | Kilohertz |
eFrequency_Megahertz | Megahertz |
eFrequency_PerHour | Per hour |
ePower_Milliwatts | Milliwatts |
ePressure_Hectopascals | Hectopascals |
ePressure_Millibars | Millibars |
eVolumetricFlow_CubicMetersPerHour | Cubic meters per hour |
eVolumetricFlow_LitersPerHour | Liters per hour |
eOther_KilowattHoursPerSquareMeter | Kilowatt hours per square meter |
eOther_KilowattHoursPerSquareFoot | Kilowatt hours per square foot |
eOther_MegajoulesPerSquareMeter | Megajoules per square meter |
eOther_MegajoulesPerSquareFoot | Megajoules per square foot |
eOther_WattsPerSquareMeterDegreeKelvin | Watts per square meter degree Kelvin |
eVolumetricFlow_CubicFeetPerSecond | Cubic feet per second |
eOther_PercentObscurationPerFoot | Percent obscuration per foot |
eOther_PercentObscurationPerMeter | Percent obscuration per meter |
eElectrical_Milliohms | Milliohms |
eEnergy_MegawattHours | Megawatt hours |
eEnergy_KiloBtus | Kilo BTUs |
eEnergy_MegaBtus | Mega BTUs |
eEnthalpy_KilojoulesPerKilogramDryAir | Kilojoules per kilogram dry air |
eEnthalpy_MegajoulesPerKilogramDryAir | Megajoules per kilogram dry air |
eEntropy_KilojoulesPerDegreeKelvin | Kilojoules per degree Kelvin |
eEntropy_MegajoulesPerDegreeKelvin | Megajoules per degree Kelvin |
eForce_Newton | Newtons |
eMassFlow_GramsPerSecond | Grams per second |
eMassFlow_GramsPerMinute | Grams per minute |
eMassFlow_TonsPerHour | Tons per hour |
ePower_KiloBtusPerHour | Kilo BTUs per hour |
eTime_HundredthsSeconds | Hundredths seconds |
eTime_Milliseconds | Milliseconds |
eTorque_NewtonMeters | Newton meters |
eVelocity_MillimetersPerSecond | Millimeters per second |
eVelocity_MillimetersPerMinute | Millimeters per minute |
eVelocity_MetersPerMinute | Meters per minute |
eVelocity_MetersPerHour | Meters per hour |
eVolumetricFlow_CubicMetersPerMinute | Cubic meters per minute |
eAcceleration_MetersPerSecondPerSecond | Meters per second per second |
eElectrical_AmperesPerMeter | Amperes per meter |
eElectrical_AmperesPerSquareMeter | Amperes per square meter |
eElectrical_AmpereSquareMeters | Ampere square meters |
eElectrical_Farads | Farads |
eElectrical_Henrys | Henrys |
eElectrical_OhmMeters | Ohm-meters |
eElectrical_Siemens | Siemens |
eElectrical_SiemensPerMeter | Siemens per meter |
eElectrical_Teslas | Teslas |
eElectrical_VoltsPerDegreeKelvin | Volts per degree Kelvin |
eElectrical_VoltsPerMeter | Volts per meter |
eElectrical_Webers | Webers |
eLight_Candelas | Candelas |
eLight_CandelasPerSquareMeter | Candelas per square meter |
eTemperature_DegreesKelvinPerHour | Degrees Kelvin per hour |
eTemperature_DegreesKelvinPerMinute | Degrees Kelvin per minute |
eOther_JouleSeconds | Joule-seconds (angular momentum) |
eOther_RadiansPerSecond | Radians per second |
eOther_SquareMetersPerNewton | Square meters per Newton |
eOther_KilogramsPerCubicMeter | Kilograms per cubic meter |
eOther_NewtonSeconds | Newton-seconds (impulse) |
eOther_NewtonsPerMeter | Newtons per meter |
eOther_WattsPerMeterPerDegreeKelvin | Watts per meter per degree Kelvin |
eMicro_Siemens | Microsiemens |
eCubic_FeetPerHour | Cubic feet per hour |
eUs_GallonsPerHour | US gallons per hour |
eKilometers | Kilometers |
eMicrometers | Micrometers |
eGrams | Grams |
eMilligrams | Milligrams |
eMilliliters | Milliliters |
eMillilitersPerSecond | Milliliters per second |
eDecibels | Decibels |
eDecibelsMillivolt | Decibels millivolt |
eDecibelsVolt | Decibels Volt |
eMillisiemens | Millisiemens |
eWatt_HoursReactive | Watt-hours reactive |
eKilowattHoursReactive | Kilowatt-hours reactive |
eMegawattHoursReactive | Megawatt-hours reactive |
eMillimetersOfWater | Millimeters of water |
ePer_Mille | Per mille |
eGrams_PerGram | Grams per gram |
eKilograms_PerKilogram | Kilograms per kilogram |
eGrams_PerKilogram | Grams per kilogram |
eMilligrams_PeGram | Milligrams per gram |
eMilligrams_PeKilogram | Milligrams per kilogram |
eGrams_PerMilliliter | Grams per milliliter |
eGrams_PerLiter | Grams per liter |
eMilligrams_PerLiter | Milligrams per liter |
eMicrograms_PerLiter | Micrograms per liter |
eGrams_PerCubicMeter | Grams per cubic meter |
eMilligrams_PerCubicMeter | Milligrams per cubic meter |
eMicrograms_PerCubicMeter | Micrograms per cubic meter |
eNanograms_PerCubicMeter | Nanograms per cubic meter |
eGrams_PerCubicCentimeter | Grams per cubic centimeter |
eBecquerels | Becquerels |
eKilobecquerels | Kilobecquerels |
eMegabecquerels | Megabecquerels |
eGray | Grays (absorbed dose) |
eMilligray | Milligrays (absorbed dose) |
eMicrogray | Micrograys (absorbed dose) |
eSieverts | Sieverts |
eMillisieverts | Millisieverts |
eMicrosieverts | Microsieverts |
eMicrosievertsPerHour | Microsieverts per hour |
eDecibels_A | Decibels A |
eNephelometric_TurbidityUnit | Nephelometric turbidity unit NTU |
ePH | pH |
eGrams_PerSquareMeter | Grams per square meter |
eMinutes_PerDegreeKelvin | Minutes per degree Kelvin |
Development environment | Required PLC library |
TwinCAT 3.1 4024.35 | Tc3_BA2_Common from V2.1.20.0 |