
FB_CheckLicense 1:

If you use OEM licenses make sure you encrypt your boot project!

Remember that the license ID queried via FB_CheckLicense in the binary code can easily be found and (with a little effort) manipulated with a hex editor. Therefore, be sure to encrypt your boot project (safest), or at least disguise the queried license ID in the source code as best as possible.

FB_CheckLicense 2:

The function block FB_CheckLicense determines the TwinCAT 3 license status for a given license ID.


    bExecute    : BOOL;
    tTimeout    : TIME;
    sNetId      : T_AmsNetId;
    stLicenseId : GUID;

bExecute: The function block is activated by a positive edge at this input.

tTimeout: Timeout time that must not be exceeded when the command is executed.

sNetId: AmsNetId (AMS network identifier) of the TwinCAT computer whose license status is to be read (type: T_AmsNetId). If it is to be run on the local computer, an empty string can be entered.

stLicenseId: License ID (type: GUID)


    bBusy          : BOOL;
    bError         : BOOL;
    nErrorId       : UDINT;
    stCheckLicense : ST_CheckLicense

bBusy: TRUE, as long as the function block is active.

bError: TRUE if an error occurs during command execution.

nErrorId: Supplies the ADS error number when the bError output is set.

stCheckLicense: Structure with license data (type: ST_CheckLicense)


Development environment

Target platform

PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v3.1.4022

PC or CX (x64, x86)

Tc2_Utilties >=