Error codes
Value (hex) | Value (dec) | Description |
0x0000 | 0 | No error |
0x8001 | 32769 | No response from the SMI drive |
0x8002 | 32770 | No terminal feedback for the send data from the SMI terminal. |
0x8003 | 32771 | The terminal has detected a telegram error (StatusWord.6 = true). This message must be acknowledged by the input bResetDataFrameError of FB_KL6831KL6841Communication(). |
0x8004 | 32772 | NACK received from the drive |
0x8005 | 32773 | Invalid feedback received from the drive |
0x8006 | 32774 | Communication buffer overflow |
0x8007 | 32775 | No response from the communication block |
0x8008 | 32776 | The SMI_COMMAND_BUFFER_ENTRIES constant is outside the valid range (2-250). |
0x8009 | 32777 | The ID byte received is incorrect. |
0x800A | 32778 | The data length received is incorrect. |
0x800B | 32779 | No 24 V supply voltage to the KL6831/KL6841 (StatusWord.2 = false). |
0x800C | 32780 | Process image was deactivated by the inputs Switch1 or Switch2 of the terminal (StatusWord.5 = true). This message must be acknowledged by the bResetInactiveProcessImage input of FB_KL6831KL6841Communication(). |
0x800D | 32781 | The terminal has detected a checksum error (StatusWord.8 = true). This message is reset as soon as a telegram is successfully transmitted. |
0x800E | 32782 | The SMI command does not support addressing via slave ID (eAddrType = eSMIAddrTypeSlaveId). |
0x800F | 32783 | Parameter wAddr (bit field for group addressing) is outside the valid range (0-65535). |
0x8010 | 32784 | Parameter wAddr (address) is outside the valid range (0-15). |
0x8011 | 32785 | Parameter eCommandPriority is invalid |
0x8012 | 32786 | Parameter eCommandType is invalid |
0x8013 | 32787 | Parameter uiAngle is outside the valid range (0-510) |
0x8014 | 32788 | Parameter wParAddr is outside the valid range (0-4095) |
0x8015 | 32789 | Parameter eAddrType is invalid |
0x8016 | 32790 | Parameter eResponseFormat is invalid |
0x8017 | 32791 | Parameter wAddr (manufacturer code) is outside the valid range (0-15) |
0x8018 | 32792 | The command supports only individual addressing. |
0x8019 | 32793 | Parameter wAddrOption (manufacturer code) is outside the valid range (0-15). |
0x801A | 32794 | An internal error has occurred in the function block FB_SMIDiscoverySlaveId. |
0x801B | 32795 | No devices were found. |
0x801C | 32796 | All 16 addresses have already been assigned. There are possibly more than 16 devices connected to the SMI bus. |
0x801D | 32797 | Invalid diagnostic response received (neither NACK nor ACK). |
0x801E | 32798 | Parameter byHighestAddress (highest address) is outside the valid range (0-15). |
0x801F | 32799 | Timeout for internal addressing. The terminal has not sent a response following the start of internal addressing. |
0x8020 | 32800 | The internal addressing failed three times. |