Querying the fan state (generic)

This sample illustrates access to the fan speed data via the generic function block FB_MDP_ReadElement. It can be used to diagnose a fan failure (fan speed = 0).

A prerequisite is the presence of a fan. If no fan is available in the IPC, the IPC does not support the addressed module type, and the access attempt results in the error message 16#EC800002.

The contents of the FAN module are described in the Configuration Area of the IPC diagnostics. The generic function block FB_MDP_ReadElement is used for the access.

A description of the structure of this sample program can be found in the sample: Querying CPU data (generic).

Sample: access via the generic function block FB_MDP_ReadElement

Enumeration definition

//** = simply adjust these lines if modifying code for own purposes

// central definition of state machine states
// (supports easy program modification)
{attribute 'qualified_only'}
TYPE E_State :
    Idle,                    // idle state
    ReadFanSpeedInit,        //** initiate reading fan speed
    ReadFanSpeedProcess      //** process reading fan speed
    // internal use
    sAmsNetId           : STRING := '';        //** ADS Net ID (local = '')
    eState              : E_State;             // Enum with index for state machine
    bStart              : BOOL := TRUE;        // flag to trigger restart of statemachine
    nData               : UINT;                // data storage for unsigned integer  
    stMDP_Addr          : ST_MDP_Addr;         // structure will include all address parameters
    nModuleIndex        : USINT := 0;          //** Fan index (no. of fan)
    // FB instances
    fbReadMDPElement    : FB_MDP_ReadElement;  // instance of FB for reading MDP element
    // results of execution
    bError              : BOOL;                // error flag (indicator: error occured)   
    nErrID              : UDINT;               // last error ID
    aFanSpeed           : ARRAY[0..1] OF UINT; //** buffer for speed of fans

Program code

// For an easy re-use of the following code for own purposes, parts of this sample program use
// "general" data names (and copy the results in specific variables after processing the code).
// Remark: Error 16#EC800002 means module type not supported (IPC does not provide this type of information, e.g. does not have fans)

CASE eState OF
        IF bStart THEN
            bStart := FALSE;
            eState := E_State.ReadFanSpeedInit;    //** initiate first state
    E_State.ReadFanSpeedInit:                 //**
        stMDP_Addr.nArea := INT_TO_BYTE(eMDP_Area_ConfigArea); //** set area address to "Config Area"
        stMDP_Addr.nTableId := 1;             //** table ID in module for "Fan properties"
        stMDP_Addr.nSubIdx := 1;              //** subindex in table ID for "Fan speed"

            bExecute := TRUE,                 // Flag: trigger execution of FB
            eModuleType := eMDP_ModT_Fan,     //** desired module type = Fan
            stMDP_Addr := stMDP_Addr,         // MDP address structure. Dynamic module ID added internally.
            iModIdx := nModuleIndex,          //** instance of desired module type (0 = first instance)
            pDstBuf := ADR(nData),            // buffer for storing data
            cbDstBufLen := SIZEOF(nData),     // length of buffer
            sAmsNetId := sAmsNetId,           // AMS Net ID
            );                                //** Note: fbReadMDPElement.tTimeOut must be > cycle time!

        eState := E_State.ReadFanSpeedProcess;//** next state: process FB

    E_State.ReadFanSpeedProcess:              //** process FB: request fan data
        fbReadMDPElement(bExecute := FALSE);  // Flag: Get execution state of FB
                                              //** Note: fbReadMDPElement.tTimeOut must be > cycle time!

        IF NOT fbReadMDPElement.bBusy THEN    // FB executed?
            IF fbReadMDPElement.bError THEN   // Error?
                bError := TRUE;               // set error flag
                nErrID := fbReadMDPElement.nErrID; // store error id (16#ECA60105 = BIOS or HW does
                                              // not support this data (here: mainboard data))
                eState := E_State.Idle;       // finish state machine
            ELSE                              // set parameters for next steps
                bError := FALSE;              // turn off error flag
                aFanSpeed[nModuleIndex] := nData; //** store fan speed in dedicated array
                IF nModuleIndex = 0 THEN      //** Current fan = fan 1?
                    nModuleIndex := 1;        //** Read fan 2 (= second module instance) in next loop
                ELSE                          //**
                    nModuleIndex := 0;        //** Read fan 1 (= first module instance) in next loop
                END_IF                        //**
                eState := E_State.ReadFanSpeedInit; //** next state