nArea       : BYTE;     (* Area [range: 0x0-0xF] *)
    nModuleId   : BYTE;     (* Dynamic Module Id [range: 0x00-0xFF] *)
    nTableId    : BYTE;     (* Table Id [range: 0x0-0xF] *)
    nFlag       : BYTE;     (* Flags [range: 0x00-0xFF] *)
    nSubIdx     : BYTE;     (* SubIndex [range: 0x00-0xFF] *)
    arrReserved : ARRAY[0..2] OF BYTE;

The structure contains information that is required for the MDP addressing.

nArea: Possible MDP areas are listed in E_MDP_AddrArea.

nModuleId: The Module ID is assigned dynamically. It does not correspond to the module types listed in E_MDP_ModuleType. The function block FB_MDP_ScanModules can be used in order to determine a dynamic Module ID for a special type of module.

nTableId: This value specifies the number of the selected table of the selected module.

nFlag: This parameter is used internally only. It remains at the default value of 0x00.

nSubIdx: The Subindex parameter corresponds to the subindex in a table in an MDP module.

ST_MDP_Addr 1:

More detailed information on MDP addressing can be found in the Deive Manager documentation.