
Connection between "FB_LON_KL6401" and the send/receive function blocks

TYPE ST_LON_Communication :
  arrWriteLONdata       : ARRAY[0..iLONBufferSize] OF ST_LON_WriteData;
  bWrite                : BOOL;
  bWriteBusy            : BOOL;
  bReadBusy             : BOOL;
  arrParameterReadValue : ARRAY[1..32] OF BYTE;
  wNV_Index             : WORD;
  eParameterDataType    : E_LON_Parameter_Datatypes;
  bWriteLONdataToTable  : BOOL;
  bTerminalOk           : BOOL;
  byActBuffer           : BYTE;
  rActBuffer            : REAL;
  rMaxBuffer            : REAL;

arrWriteLONdata: Send buffer.

bWrite: Data is being sent.

bWriteBusy: Write-OnChange active.

bReadBusy: Read-OnChange active.

arrParameterReadValue: 32 data bytes.

wNV_Index: NV index.

eParameterDataType: Data type of the LON variable (SNVT) (see E_LON parameter data types).

bWriteLONdataToTable: Writing of the data in the table is active.

bTerminalOk: Initialization of the KL6401 was completed successfully.

byActBuffer: Number of instructions in the send buffer.

rActBuffer: Current utilization of the send buffer in percent.

rMaxBuffer: Maximum utilization of the send buffer in percent. The value can be cancelled with the input variable "bResetMaxBuffer".


Development Environment

TwinCAT 3 PLC library to be integrated

TwinCAT from v3.1.4020.14

Tc2_LON from