
Used by: SNVT_nv_type

TYPE ST_LON_SNVT_nv_type :
  arrType_program_ID : ARRAY[0..7] OF BYTE;
  byType_scope       : BYTE;
  uiType_index       : UINT;
  eType_category     : E_LON_nv_type_category_t;
  byType_length      : BYTE;
  iScaling_factor_a  : INT;
  iScaling_factor_b  : INT;
  iScaling_factor_c  : INT;

arrType_program_ID: Min: 0 / Max: 255 / Type program ID. Program ID template of the resource file containing the network variable type definition.

byType_scope: Min: 0 / Max: 6 / Type scope (file scope). Scope of the resource file containing the network variable type definition.

uiType_index: Min: 1 / Max: 65535 / Type index (type index). Index within the specified resource file of the network variable type definition.

eType_category: Type category (type category names) (see E_LON_nv_type_category_t). Type category of the network variable type.

byType_length: Min: 1 / Max: 31 / Type length (bytes). Length of the network variable type

iScaling_factor_a: Min: -32768 / Max: 32767 / Scaling factor a. Scaling multiplier 'a' where ScaledValue = a*(10**b)*(RawValue+c)

iScaling_factor_b: Min: -32768 / Max: 32767 / Scaling factor b. Exponent 'b' where ScaledValue = a*(10**b)*(RawValue+c)

iScaling_factor_c: Min: -32768 / Max: 32767 / Scaling Factor c. Offset 'c' where ScaledValue = a*(10**b)*(RawValue+c)


Development Environment

TwinCAT 3 PLC library to be integrated

TwinCAT from v3.1.4020.14

Tc2_LON from