Used by: SNVT_hvac_satsts
TYPE ST_LON_SNVT_hvac_satsts :
bPri_heat : BOOL;
bSec_heat : BOOL;
bPri_cool : BOOL;
bSec_cool : BOOL;
bPri_duct_starved : BOOL;
bSec_duct_starved : BOOL;
bReserved1 : BOOL;
bReserved2 : BOOL;
byReserved1 : BYTE;
byManufacturer_defined : BYTE;
bPri_heat: Primary heating saturation status (boolean). A value of 0 indicates primary heating is not saturated. A value of 1 indicates primary heating is saturated.
bSec_heat: Secondary heating saturation status (boolean). A value of 0 indicates secondary heating is not saturated. A value of 1 indicates secondary heating is saturated.
bPri_cool: Primary cooling saturation status (boolean). A value of 0 indicates primary cooling is not saturated. A value of 1 indicates primary cooling is saturated.
bSec_cool: Secondary cooling saturation status (boolean). A value of 0 indicates secondary cooling is not saturated. A value of 1 indicates secondary cooling is saturated.
bPri_duct_starved: Primary duct saturation status (boolean). A value of 0 indicates primary duct is not saturated (starved). A value of 1 indicates primary duct is saturated (starved).
bSec_duct_starved: Secondary duct saturation status (boolean). A value of 0 indicates secondary duct is not saturated (starved). A value of 1 indicates secondary duct is saturated (starved).
byReserved1: Min: 0 / Max: 15
byManufacturer_defined: Min: 0 / Max: 15 / Manufacturer defined (boolean). Four manufacturer-defined bits -- please see product documentation for proper interpretation of these bits
Development Environment | TwinCAT 3 PLC library to be integrated |
TwinCAT from v3.1.4020.14 | Tc2_LON from |