
Used by: SNVT_switch_2

TYPE ST_LON_setting :
  rValue          : REAL;
  rChange         : REAL;
  byDelay         : BYTE;
  byGroup_number  : BYTE;
  rMultiplier     : REAL;
  iAngle          : INT;
  siFan_level     : SINT;
  byButton_number : BYTE;

rValue: Min: 0 / Max: 100 / Value. Percent of full level when state is on. Reports last level for outputs when state is off.

rChange: Min: 0 / Max: 100 / Percent change. Percent change to level.

byDelay: Min: 0 / Max: 255 / On or off delay (seconds) (seconds). Time delay before changing state to on or off.

byGroup_number: Min: 0 / Max: 63 / Group number. Group number that is enabled or disabled by the SW_ENABLE_GROUP and SW_DISABLE_GROUIP states in the state field; if 0, all groups are enabled or disabled.

rMultiplier: Min: 0 / Max: 2.54 / Factor (percent). Multiplier for the level

iAngle: Min: -180 / Max: 180 / Rotation angle (degrees). Rotation angle for devices that support a rotation setting such as blinds.

siFan_level: Min: -100 / Max: 100 / Fan level. Percent of full level fan speed when state is on. Reports last fan speed for outputs when state is off. Positive values represent the down direction, and negative values represent the up direction.

byButton_number: Min: 0 / Max: 255 / Button number. The button number to activate when the state field is set to SW_SET_BUTTON, no invalid value


Development Environment

TwinCAT 3 PLC library to be integrated

TwinCAT from v3.1.4020.14

Tc2_LON from