
Used by: SNVT_dev_fault

TYPE ST_LON_valve_pos1 :
  bDf_valve_blocked           : BOOL;
  bDf_blocked_direction_open  : BOOL;
  bDf_blocked_direction_close : BOOL;
  bDf_position_error          : BOOL;
  bDf_stroke_Out_of_range     : BOOL;
  bDf_initialization          : BOOL;
  bDf_vibration_cavitation    : BOOL;
  bDf_ed_too_high             : BOOL;
  byReserved1_0_2             : BYTE;
  bEe_oscillating             : BOOL;
  bEe_valve_too_large         : BOOL;
  bEe_valve_too_small         : BOOL;
  byReserved2_6_7             : BYTE;
  bReserved3_0_7              : BOOL;
  bSf_voltage_Out_of_range    : BOOL;
  bSf_electronic_high_temp    : BOOL;
  bSf_frictional_resistance   : BOOL;
  byReserved4_4_6             : BYTE;
  bGeneral_fault              : BOOL;

bDf_valve_blocked: Device fault - valve blocked. The valve is presently blocked.

bDf_blocked_direction_open: Device fault - blocked direction open. The device is blocked while attempting to open.

bDf_blocked_direction_close: Device fault - blocked direction close. The device is blocked while attempting to close

bDf_position_error: Device fault - position error. The valve position is not correct

bDf_stroke_Out_of_range: Device fault - stroke out of range. The valve stroke is out of operating range

bDf_initialization: Device fault - initialization error. The was an error during initialization of the device

bDf_vibration_cavitation: Device fault - vibration / cavitation. There are excessive vibrations or cavitations detected

bDf_ed_too_high: Device fault - ED too high. The ED is too high

byReserved1_0_2: This field is reserved.. This field is reserved.

bEe_oscillating: Engineering error - oscillating. There is an oscillating error

bEe_valve_too_large: Engineering error - valve too big. The valve size is too large

bEe_valve_too_small: Engineering error - valve too small. The valve size is too small

byReserved2_6_7: This field is reserved.. This field is reserved.

bReserved3_0_7: This field is reserved.. This field is reserved.

bSf_voltage_Out_of_range: Supply fault - voltage out of range. The voltage is out of the specified acceptable range

bSf_electronic_high_temp: Supply fault - electronics temperature. The temperature of the electronics is too high

bSf_frictional_resistance: Supply fault - frictional resistance. Resistance due to friction is detected

byReserved4_4_6: This field is reserved.. This field is reserved.

bGeneral_fault: General Fault. A General Fault has occurred. Please consult the documentation or contact the valve-controller manufacturer.


Development Environment

TwinCAT 3 PLC library to be integrated

TwinCAT from v3.1.4020.14

Tc2_LON from