Drive reference ST_DriveRef

The drive is accessed via a drive reference. Within the library, the ST_DriveRef structure from the Tc2_EtherCAT library is used for this with the NetID as a string. Since the NetID usually exists as a byte array at I/O level, a structure ST_PlcDriveRef, also from the Tc2_EtherCAT library, with the NetID as a byte array is additionally provided. The two structures must be transferred into each other.

Structure ST_PlcDriveRef

TYPE ST_PlcDriveRef :
    aNetId     : T_AmsNetIdArr; (* AmsNetId (array[0..5] of bytes) of the EtherCAT master device.*)
    nSlaveAddr : UINT; (* Address of the slave device.*)
    nDriveNo   : BYTE; (* Drive number*)
    nDriveType : BYTE; (* Drive type*)

Structure ST_DriveRef

TYPE ST_DriveRef :
    sNetId     : T_AmsNetId; (* AmsNetId (string(23)) of the EtherCAT master device.*)
    nSlaveAddr : UINT; (* Address of the slave device.*)
    nDriveNo   : BYTE; (* Drive number*)
    nDriveType : BYTE; (* Drive type*)

Mapping the drive reference to the PLC

The drive reference can be mapped to the PLC in the System Manager. To do this, allocate an instance of the structure ST_PlcDriveRef as AT %I*. Subsequently, link aNetID to netId, nSlaveAddr to port and nDriveNo to Chn0 (A) or Chn1 (B). In the case of multiple-channel drives both channels refer to the same netId and port number, since it is an EtherCAT slave.

Drive reference ST_DriveRef 1:

Transfer of ST_PlcDriveRef and ST_DriveRef

The function blocks in the library Tc2_Drive use an instance of the structure ST_DriveRef. Unlike the structure ST_PlcDriveRef, NetID is expected to be T_AmsNetId (i.e. STRING(23)). To convert the byte array, use the F_CreateAmsNetId() function of the PLC Lib Tc2_System.

stDriveRef.sNetId     := F_CreateAmsNetId(stPlcDriveRef.aNetId);
stDriveRef.nSlaveAddr := stPlcDriveRef.nSlaveAddr;
stDriveRef.nDriveNo   := stPlcDriveRef.nDriveNo;
stDriveRef.nDriveType := stPlcDriveRef.nDriveType;