RK512 error codes
No | No. (hex) | Error constant | Description |
4 | 16#04 | RK512ERR_P3964ERR_ZVZ | The character delay time was exceeded. ZVZ = 220 ms. The character delay time is the maximum time interval between the transmission of two succeeding characters. |
5 | 16#05 | RK512ERR_P3964ERR_QVZ | The acknowledgement delay time was exceeded. The other end sent an acknowledgement character (DLE = 10H) twice as the telegram was being handled. QVZ = 2 s.The first acknowledgement was expected at the start of the transmission. The output ErrorState when an error initially occurs is "Wait_DLE_TXstart". The cause might lie with a faulty physical connection or an incorrect interface parameter.The second acknowledgement is expected after the user data has been transmitted. If an error occurs, the ErrorState is "Wait_DLE_TXend". In this case the cause might, for instance, be data loss, data corruption or data bytes of a data word that have become swapped (see the SwapWords input). |
6 | 16#06 | RK512ERR_P3964ERR_WVZ | The repeat delay time was exceeded. WVZ = 4 s. A telegram is repeated if an error occurs. If the telegram is not repeated by the other device, the 3964R function block reports this error. |
7 | 16#07 | RK512ERR_P3964ERR_WRONGBCC | Checksum error during data reception. Each telegram is provided with a checksum. When the data is received, the calculated checksum is compared with the checksum that has been received. |
9 | 16#09 | RK512ERR_P3964ERR_COMERRTX | Interface error when transmitting. |
10 | 16#0A | RK512ERR_P3964ERR_COMERRRX | Interface error when receiving. |
11 | 16#0B | RK512ERR_P3964ERR_NOTXDATA | Parameterisation error. The number of bytes that are to be sent, TxCount, is zero. |
120 | 16#78 | RK512ERR_P3964ERR_NAK | A telegram was refused by the other device with a negative acknowledgement (NAK). This error can occur in the following transmission states (ErrorState), amongst others:Wait_DLE_TXstart: The local PLC begins a telegram with a start character. The other device refuses the telegram with NAK.Wait_DLE_TXend: The other device refuses the telegram with NAK after the user data has been transmitted. In this case the cause can, for example, be a checksum error at the other device. |
12 | 16#0C | RK512ERR_INVALIDDATATYPE | Invalid data type A telegram has been received whose data type identifier is not supported. Only data blocks with the identifier 'D' can be handled. |
16 | 16#10 | RK512ERR_ERRORPROTOCOLHEADER | Faulty protocol header The header of a data telegram is not in accordance with the RK512 specification. |
20 | 16#14 | RK512ERR_DBNOTAVAILIBLE | Data block not available A data block that is not available has been transmitted or requested. Data blocks that are accessed by the partner device must first be registered for this purpose with the DBconfig method. |
22 | 16#16 | RK512ERR_INVALIDCOMMAND | Invalid command A telegram with an invalid command identifier (SEND / FETCH) has been received. |
52 | 16#34 | RK512ERR_INVALIDSIZE | Invalid length quoted Either the DbSize or the NrOfBytes parameter is invalid, or a data telegram that is too long has been received. |
53 | 16#35 | RK512ERR_INVALIDDBADR | Invalid data block address The data block address DbAdr is invalid. |
54 | 16#36 | RK512ERR_SYNCERROR | Synchronisation error A synchronisation error can occur if both communication partners start to transmit at the same time. |
257 | 16#101 | RK512ERR_TIMEOUT | Timeout on the RK512 telegram level An expected reaction telegram has not been received within the waiting time TREA. |
258 | 16#102 | RK512ERR_ERRORREMOTEREATEL | Error in the reaction telegram An error was reported in the communication partner's reaction telegram. The error number can be read from the additional error information in AUX. |
259 | 16#103 | RK512ERR_INVALIDSIZEREMOTEREATEL | The communication partner's reaction telegram has an incorrect length. |
260 | 16#104 | RK512ERR_TIMEOUTREAPEATSENDFETCH | Timeout when transmitting In spite of a number of repetitions, a send or fetch telegram could not be transmitted. |
261 | 16#105 | RK512ERR_3964ERROR | Error on the 3964R protocol level Predictable errors on this level are not reported as a general RK512ERR_3964ERROR error, but with a detailed error number. |
262 | 16#106 | RK512ERR_3964NOTBUSYNOTREADY | The transmission of a telegram has been halted without having been successfully completed. |