DATE_TO conversions

Converting from the variable type DATE to a different type: The date will be stored internally in a DWORD in seconds since Jan. 1, 1970. This value will then be converted. When you perform a type conversion from a larger to a smaller type, you risk losing some information . For STRING type variables, the result is the date constant.

Examples in ST:

b :=DATE_TO_BOOL(D#1970-01-01); (* Result is

i :=DATE_TO_INT(D#1970-01-15); (* Result is 29952 *)

str :=DATE_TO_STRING(D#2002-08-18); (* Result is
'D#2002-08-18' *)

vdt:=DATE_TO_DT(D#2002-08-18); (* Result is DT#2002-08-18-00:00

udw:=DATE_TO_DWORD(D#2002-08-18); (* Result is 16#3D5EE380 *)