.NET Peer-to-Peer communication
This sample demonstrates how a .NET communication partner for PLC samples Peer-to-Peer device A or B can be realized.

How it works
The sample uses the includes System.Net and System.Net.Sockets to implement a UDP client (class UdpClient). While listening for incoming UDP packets in a background thread, a string can be sent to a remote device by specifying its IP address and port number and clicking the "Send" button.
For a better understanding of this article, imagine the following setup:
- The PLC project Peer-to-Peer device A is running on a computer with IP address
- The .NET application is running on a computer with IP address
How to set up the PLC sample
This .NET sample may be used together with the PLC samples Peer-to-Peer device A or B. If you run the application on separate computer than the PLC runtime, you need to configure IP addresses in both applications according to the assumed specifications from above.
Setting | Type | Description |
LOCAL_HOST_IP | Global constant | Needs to be set to (IP of computer which runs PLC) |
LOCAL_HOST_PORT | Global constant | Set this constant to 1001 (default value) |
REMOTE_HOST_IP | Global constant | Needs to be set to (IP of computer which runs .NET sample) |
REMOTE_HOST_PORT | Global constant | Set this constant to 1002 (default value) |
bSendOnceToRemote | Global variable | If set to TRUE, a UDP packet will be send to REMOTE_HOST_IP |
How to set up the .NET sample
Setting | Type | Description |
DEFAULTIP | Global constant | Will be used in text field "Host" as default value. Set it to |
DEFAULTDESTPORT | Global constant | Will be used in text field "Port" as default value. Set it to 1001. |
DEFAULTOWNPORT | Global constant | Will be used by PLC sample in REMOTE_HOST_PORT. Set it to 1002. |
DEFAULTSOURCEPORT | Global constant | Used as source port for sending out UDP packet. Not important in this sample. |
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
namespace TcpIpServer_SampleClientUdp
publicpartialclassForm1 : Form
/* ########################################################################################## * Constants * ########################################################################################## */privateconststring DEFAULTIP = "";
privateconstint DEFAULTDESTPORT = 1001; // Used as destination portprivateconstint DEFAULTOWNPORT = 1002; // Used for binding when listening for UDP messagesprivateconstint DEFAULTSOURCEPORT = 11000; // Only used as source port when sending UDP messages/* ########################################################################################## * Global variables * ########################################################################################## */privatestaticUdpClient _udpClient;
privatestaticIPEndPoint _ipAddress; // Contains IP address as entered in text fieldprivatestaticThread _rcvThread; // Background thread used to listen for incoming UDP packetspublic Form1()
/* ########################################################################################## * Event handler method called when button "Send" is pressed * ########################################################################################## */privatevoid cmd_send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
byte[] sendBuffer = null;
/* ########################################################################################## * Preparing UdpClient, connecting to UDP server and sending content of text field * ########################################################################################## */try
_ipAddress = newIPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(txt_host.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txt_port.Text));
_udpClient = newUdpClient(DEFAULTSOURCEPORT);
sendBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(txt_send.Text);
_udpClient.Send(sendBuffer, sendBuffer.Length);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An unknown error occured: " + ex);
/* ########################################################################################## * Event handler method called when application starts * ########################################################################################## */privatevoid Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
txt_host.Text = DEFAULTIP;
txt_port.Text = DEFAULTDESTPORT.ToString();
rtb_rcv.Enabled = false;
/* ########################################################################################## * Creating background thread which synchronously listens for incoming UDP packets * ########################################################################################## */
_rcvThread = newThread(rcvThreadMethod);
/* ########################################################################################## * Delegate, so that background thread may write into text field on GUI * ########################################################################################## */publicdelegatevoidrcvThreadCallback(string text);
/* ########################################################################################## * Method called by background thread * ########################################################################################## */privatevoid rcvThreadMethod()
/* ########################################################################################## * Listen on any available local IP address and specified port (DEFAULTOWNPORT) * ########################################################################################## */byte[] rcvBuffer = null;
IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = newIPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, DEFAULTOWNPORT);;
UdpClient udpClient = newUdpClient(ipEndPoint);
/* ########################################################################################## * Continously start a synchronous listen for incoming UDP packets. If a packet has arrived, * write its content to receive buffer and then into the text field. After that, start circle * again. * ########################################################################################## */while (true)
rcvBuffer = udpClient.Receive(ref ipEndPoint); // synchronous call
rtb_rcv.Invoke(newrcvThreadCallback(this.AppendText), newobject[] { "\n" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rcvBuffer) });
/* ########################################################################################## * Helper method for delegate * ########################################################################################## */privatevoid AppendText(string text)
/* ########################################################################################## * Stop background thread when application closes * ########################################################################################## */privatevoid Form1_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)