TYPE E_SocketAcceptMode:
(* Connection accept modes *)
eACCEPT_ALL, (* Accept connection to all remote clients *)
eACCEPT_SEL_HOST, (* Accept connection to selected host address *)
eACCEPT_SEL_PORT, (* Accept connection to selected port address *)
eACCEPT_SEL_HOST_PORT (* Accept connection to selected host and port address *)
The variable E_SocketAcceptMode defines which connections are to be accepted by a server.
Development Environment | Target System | PLC libraries to include |
TwinCAT v2.9.0 Build >= 1030 | PC or CX (x86) | TcSocketHelper.Lib ( Standard.Lib; TcBase.Lib; TcSystem.Lib; TcUtilities.Lib; TcpIp.Lib are included automatically ) |
TwinCAT v2.10.0 Build >= 1301 | CX (ARM) |