
FB_ClientServerConnection 1:

The function block FB_ClientServerConnection can be used to manage (establish or remove) a client connection. FB_ClientServerConnection simplifies the implementation of a client application by encapsulating the functionality of the two function blocks FB_SocketConnect and FB_SocketClose internally. The integrated debugging output of the connection status facilitates troubleshooting in the event of configuration or communication errors. In addition, a minimum client application only requires an instance of the FB_SocketSend function block and/or an instance of the FB_SocketReceive function block.

In the first step, a typical client application establishes the connection with the server via the FB_ClientServerConnection function block. In the next step instances of FB_SocketSend and/or FB_SocketReceive can be used to exchange data with the server. When a connection is closed depends on the requirements of the application.


    sSrvNetID       : T_AmsNetID := '';
    nMode           : DWORD := 0;
    sRemoteHost     : STRING(15) := '';
    nRemotePort     : UDINT;
    bEnable         : BOOL;
    tReconnect      : TIME := T#45s;

sSrvNetID: string containing the Ams network address of the TwinCAT TCP/IP Connection Server. For the local computer (default) an empty string may be specified.

nMode: parameter flags (modes). The permissible parameters are listed in the table and can be combined via an OR operation:




Activates logging of debug messages in the application log. In order to view the debugging messages open the TwinCAT System Manager and activate log view.

sRemoteHost: IP address (Ipv4) of the remote server as a string (e.g. ''). An empty string can be entered on the local computer for a server.

nRemotePort: IP port number of the remote server (e.g. 200).

bEnable: as long as this input is TRUE, the system attempts to establish a connection at regular intervals until a connection was established successfully. Once established, a connection can be closed again with FALSE.

tReconnect: cycle time with which the function block attempts to establish the connection. After this time at the latest, the attempt is aborted and a new one is started.

FB_ClientServerConnection 2:

The tReconnect value should not be set too low, since timeout periods of > 30 s may occur in the event of a network interruption. If the value is too low, command execution would be interrupted prematurely, and ADS error code 1861 (timeout elapsed) would be returned instead of the Winsocket error WSAETIMEDOUT.


    bBusy       : BOOL;
    bError      : BOOL;
    nErrId      : UDINT;
    hSocket     : T_HSOCKET;
    eState      : E_SocketConnectionState := eSOCKET_DISCONNECTED;

bBusy: This output is TRUE as long as the function block is active.

bError: Becomes TRUE as soon as an error has occurred.

nErrID: If the bError output is set, this parameter returns the TwinCAT TCP/IP Connection Server error number.

hSocket: Connection handle for the newly opened local client socket. If successful, this variable is transferred to the instances of the function blocks FB_SocketSend and/or FB_SocketReceive.

eState: Returns the current connection status.


Example of a call in FBD:

    fbClientConnection1     : FB_ClientServerConnection;
    bConnect1               : BOOL;
    bBusy1                  : BOOL;
    bError1                 : BOOL;
    nErrID1                 : UDINT;
    hSocket1                : T_HSOCKET;
    eState1                 : E_SocketConnectionState;
FB_ClientServerConnection 3:

Further application examples (including source code) can be found here: Examples


Development Environment

Target System

PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v2.9.0 Build >= 1030

PC or CX (x86)


( Standard.Lib; TcBase.Lib; TcSystem.Lib; TcUtilities.Lib; TcpIp.Lib are included automatically )

TwinCAT v2.10.0 Build >= 1301