Status information

This chapter describes nice helpful hints for OPC-XMLDA server (XP and CE)

OPC specification descripes the interfaces which an OPC-XMLDA server have to (MUST) implement.

As an addOn the TwinCAT OPC-XMLDA server provides additional "nice to have" functionalities..

These additional functions are initiated via the URL of the OPC-XML-DA server.
Open the Internet explorer and enter the URL of the OPC Server XML DA on target system like :

http://<ip-adress or name of device>/TcOpcXmlDa/TcOpcXmlDa.dll<Services>

<Services> could be like this :

1. Status information

<Services> = "" (nothing)

SAMPLE : http://<ip-adress or name of device>/TcOpcXmlDa/TcOpcXmlDa.dll

The TcOpcXmlDa server will reply with a status page containing the product version :

2. Log information

<Services> = ?info=log

Sample : http://<ip-adress or name of device>/TcOpcXmlDa/TcOpcXmlDa.dll?info=log

Status information 1:

3. Reload configuration file

<Services> = ?info=reload

Sample : http://<ip-adress or name of device>/TcOpcXmlDa/TcOpcXmlDa.dll?info=reload

4. Display configuration

<Services> = ?info=config

Sample : http://<ip-adress or name of device>/TcOpcXmlDa/TcOpcXmlDa.dll?info=config

Not implemented now, under construction

1. Restart of OPC-XMLDA server

<Services> = ?action=restart

Sample : http://<ip-adress or name of device>/TcOpcXmlDa/TcOpcXmlDa.dll?action=restart

2. Stop of OPC-XMLDA server

<Services> = ?action=stop

Sample : http://<ip-adress or name of device>/TcOpcXmlDa/TcOpcXmlDa.dll?action=stop

Status information 2:

Not implemented now, under construction.