Configuration of ProfiDrives
1. Append a Box to the Profibus Master
2. Select the proper ProfiDrive
Choose either a single ProfiDrive MC or a double ProfiDrive MC form the Siemens AG folder.
3. ProfiBus Setup
Set the Profibus node address of the Profidrive and enable "DPV1-Class 2" service (for OPC).
4. Configure the Drive
Enable the PKW interface (needed for parameter access from PLC or OPC). This is one setting for both drives of a double drive.
The NC axis is automatically unlinked if the telegram type changes and must be relinked, see TwinCAT NC Configuration. |
4.1 Cannel A Setup
Select the telegram type for Channel A (first drive of a dual drive), i.e., Standard Telegram 5 (DSC). The parameters of the nominal channel (P915) and of the actual value channel (P916) are modified automatically. Telegram type 0 allows for a user defined telegram but STW1 and ZSW1 are mandatory as first parameter in any case.
4.2 Cannel B Setup
Select the telegram type for Channel B (second drive of a dual drive), i.e., Standard Telegram 3. The parameters of the nominal channel (P915) and of the actual value channel (P916) are modified automatically. Telegram type 0 allows for a user defined telegram but STW1 and ZSW1 are mandatory as first parameter in any case.
5. Configurable Telegram
5.1 Extend Telegrams
Add the additional parameters (like moment reduction and actual torque) to the drive with SimoComU first (see SimoComU ProfiDrive Configuration). Then check for the Siemens parameter number online in the System Manager (i.e. 50116 = actual torque).
Change the telegram type from 3 to 0. Then the "Add..." buttons for the Nominal and the Actual Values are automatically enabled.
Press "Add..." of the Nominal Values and add parameter MOMRED (101). This parameter is in the list.
The channel identifier "A_" or "B_" and the 50000 to the parameter number are added automatically after pressing OK.
Press "Add..." of the Actual Values and add parameter TORQUE_IST (116). The proper data type must be selected. Look for parameter number and data type in SimoComU.
The channel identifier "A_" or "B_" and the 50000 to the parameter number are added automatically after pressing OK.
5.2 Extended Telegram 3
5.3 Extended Telegram 5
5.4 New cyclic Interface
Now the cyclic interface of the ProfiDrive contains the new data (i.e., for torque limiting and actual torque). These values can now be linked to the PLC.