Uncoupling and new end position
Decoupling is possible in every dynamic state of the master axis - the slave axis is converted into a master axis and continues to travel as if it was still a slave axis, although it can be stopped individually. The coupling flag is reset.
During offline decoupling (decoupling at standstill), the slave axis is converted into a PTP master axis.
When decoupling online (decoupling in motion), the slave axis is converted back into a PTP master axis. It is possible to move to a new end position or a new velocity in the direction of movement.
Offline decoupling
Linear slave axes may be decoupled off line (while stationary). They are thus converted back into a master axis.
Online decoupling
During online decoupling (decoupling in motion), the slave axis is converted into a master axis (Online conversion from slave to master).
After decoupling, the converted master axis continues to move as if it were still a slave.
Override: if an override is requested after decoupling, it will relate to the absolute value of the last set coupling factor multiplied by the global internal target velocity of the former master.
The online conversion of a slave axis into a master axis is only possible, if the velocity of the master axis (and therefore the velocity of the slave axis) is not equal zero (override > 0.0), otherwise the conversion occurs offline. The main purpose of online conversion is the separation of master and slave axis (or splitting of a cascade into partial cascades), in order to be able to stop both components independent from each other.
General notes for decoupling during compensation:
- Decoupling when slave to be decoupled or a slave in the chain between master (exclusively) and slave to be decoupled (inclusively) undertakes a compensation run: the current slave basic dynamics is maintained and the current compensation velocity is maintained; compensation is never terminated again.
- Decoupling during compensation travel of the master: the current basic slave dynamics and the current compensation velocity are maintained; the compensation will never be completed.
Master axis: start from 0.0 mm to 20,000.0 mm with V = 2000.0 mm/s.
Slave axis: coupling and start position 0.0 mm, coupling factor 1.0.
Online decoupling, slave stop, then master stop.
Master axis: start from 0.0 mm to 20,000.0 mm with V = 2000.0 mm/s.
Slave axis: coupling and start position 0.0 mm, coupling factor 0.5.
Online decoupling, slave stop, then master stop.
Online decoupling and new end position
Coupling factor 0.8, decoupling and aim for new end position in +ve direction of travel.
Coupling factor -0.8 decoupling and aim for new end position in -ve direction of travel.
Coupling factor 0.75, decoupling and aim for new end position against direction of travel.
System Manager
PLC function blocks