@-Command Overview

Several variations of these commands are often possible, since K for a constant, R for an R-parameter or P for an R-parameter used as a pointer can be used for parameters. For example, the notation K/R/Pn should be understood to mean "either a number or an R-parameter or a pointer".

The following @-commands are available:





@40 Kn Rn Rm ....

Save register on the stack


@41 Rn Rm

Save register on the stack


@42 Kn .... Rm Rn

Restore register from stack


@43 Rm Rn

Restore register from stack


@100 K±n @100 Rm

Unconditional jump


@111 Rn K/Rn Km ...

Case block


@121 Rn K/Rn Kn

Jump if unequal


@122 Rn K/Rn Kn

Jump if equal


@123 Rn K/Rn Kn

Jump if less or equal


@124 Rn K/Rn Kn

Jump if less


@125 Rn K/Rn Kn

Jump if greater or equal


@126 Rn K/Rn Kn

Jump if greater


@131 Rn K/Rn Kn

Loop while equal


@132 Rn K/Rn Kn

Loop while unequal


@133 Rn K/Rn Kn

Loop while greater


@134 Rn K/Rn Kn

Loop while greater or equal


@135 Rn K/Rn Kn

Loop while less


@136 Rn K/Rn Kn

Loop while less or equal


@141 Rn K/Rn Kn

Repeat until equal


@142 Rn K/Rn Kn

Repeat until unequal


@143 Rn K/Rn Kn

Repeat until greater


@144 Rn K/Rn Kn

Repeat until greater or equal


@145 Rn K/Rn Kn

Repeat until less


@146 Rn K/Rn Kn

Repeat until less or equal


@151 Rn K/Rn Kn

FOR_TO loop


@161 Rn K/Rn Kn



@200 Rn

Delete a variable


@202 Rn Rm

Swap two variables


@302 K/R/Pn K/R/Pn R/Pn

Read machine data bit


@361 Rn Km

Read machine-related actual axis value


@372 Rn

Set number of the NC channel in variable


@402 K/R/Pn K/R/Pn K/R/Pn

Write machine data bit


@610 Rn Rn

Find absolute value of a variable


@613 Rn Rn

Find square root of a variable


@614 Rn Rm Rm

Find square root of the sum of the squares of two variables x = sqrt( a^2 + b^2)


@620 Rn

Increment variable


@621 Rn

Decrement variable


@622 Rn

Find integer part of a variable


@630 Rn Rm

Find sine of a variable


@631 Rn Rm

Find cosine of a variable


@632 Rn Rm

Find tangent of a variable


@633 Rn Rm

Find cotangent of a variable


@634 Rn Rm

Find arcsine of a variable


@635 Rn Rm

Find arccosine of a variable


@636 Rn Rm

Find arctangent of a variable



Decoder stop



Decoder stop with rescan of the axis positions



Decoder stop with external trigger event

Machine data

Access to the following machine data is supported:






0: IJK words specify the distance between the center of the circle and the starting point. 1: IJK are absolute data giving the center of the circle.