Messages from NC program

from TwinCAT V2.9 Build 1031


#MSG (<message level>; <mask>; "<text>" )#

<message level>

  • ITP
    The message is issued from the interpreter. This means that the message generally appears well before the execution in the NC kernel.
  • NCK
    The message is issued from the NC kernel when the NC block is executed. This means it appears at the same time as the block execution (SEC)




the text to be displayed

N10 G0 X0 Y0
N20 G01 X100 Y0 F6000

N30 #MSG( NCK; STRING; "this is a text")#

N40 G01 X200 Y-100

The text can not be used to transfer further parameters (e.g. R parameters).

Internally the message is handled like a note.